cliang1 / cliang

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Spot Check #1 #6

Open cliang1 opened 5 months ago

cliang1 commented 5 months ago

Q2(0.9) + Q3(0.89) = 1.79/2

Q1 : 0.85 Q2: 0/9 Q3: 0.89

Individuals will be asked to demonstrate the following ...

Jan 31

  • database, with database schema change 0.85
  • [x] Show db.Column changes you have made to model/python file in Visual Studio Code

  • [x] Show initialization data code in VSCode

  • [x] Demo delete database and run ./

    image image
  • [x] Demo corresponding schema change in SQLite3

  • [x] Demo initialization data captured in Column in SQLite3

  • postman with /authentication screen 0.9

    • [x] Show /authenticate endpoint code in Visual Studio Code

    • [x] Show and Demo /authenticate in Postman…

    • [x] Demo calling to endpoint

    • [x] Show JSON data passed in call

    • [x] Show Response window

    • [x] Show Cookie acquired window

    • [x] Cut/Copy/Paste Cookie into []( and show decrypting payload

  • postman with /api screen to access data under authentication 0.89

    • [x] Show /api CRUD code in Visual Studio Code, expecting READ/GET code

      image image
    • [x] Show and Demo /api READ/GET endpoint in Postman…

* [x]   Demo calling to endpoint that requires Cookie
* [x]   Show Response/Data
* [x]   Demo Deleting cookie
* [x]   Demo calling endpoint again
* [x]   Show Response/Failure

Individuals will be asked to demonstrate the following ...

Feb 5 (Delayed)

  • jupyter notebook or web page that shows signup and login, focus on login
  • jupyter notebook or web page that shows redirect or 403 error as result of signup and login page, focus on redirect to data/table display or failure
  • jupyter notebook that shows CRUD operation on page that requires authentication, or this can include signup without authentication

Quiz instructions

Each student will present in live review the following information on screen

  • Use Issue to verbally capture progress for Instruction provided by Teacher
  • Prepare an on Screen answer of questions. For instance...

    • Visual Studio Code List
    • Browser interaction
    • Postman interaction
    • SQLite3 visual
    • Terminal commands
    • etc
  • Talking during Spot Check with Teacher should be minimal, just Show or Demo as requested
  • Be sure to prepare Issue in the process of preparing and answering questions as you will submit Issue with final score.

Issue instructions

Screen capture and record results of each question in a personal ISSUE. Teacher will be reviewing time stamps on each question.

Issue Heading

  • [ ] Name, Period, Score. (John Mortensen, P2, 1..75)
  • [ ] All Scores (e.g. Q1: 8.5, Q2: 9, Q3: 5.5)
  • [ ] Top 4 Score Total (e.g. Q1: 8.5 + Q2: 9 = 1.75 of 2.0 )

New Comment in Issue

  • [x] Question 1: database, with database schema change
  • [x] Record Check Marks
  • [x] Provide Screen Capture(s)

New Comment in Issue

  • [x] Question 2: postman with /authentication screen
  • [x] Record Check Marks
  • [x] Provide Screen Capture(s)

New Comment in Issue

  • [x] Question 3: postman with /api screen to access data under authentication
  • [x] Record Check Marks
  • [x] Provide Screen Capture(s)

Comment/Post Issue to this Page

After 5th period TODAY, link your Personal ISSUE to this CSP Spot Check issue. Comment/Post contains…

  • [x] Name (e.g. John Mortensen)
  • [ ] Period (e.g. Period 2)
  • [ ] Sum of Score (e.g. 1.75 of 2.0), three scores .9 or above gets a 2.0 of 2.0
  • [ ] Link to Issue