clicepfl / clic-website

CLIC website software: ExpressJS web server written in TypeScript, SASS with NunjucksJS templating. 🚀 We are building v2 at !
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Sponsors display update #63

Closed codeofmochi closed 3 years ago

codeofmochi commented 4 years ago

Have different sponsor tiers, displayed differently on the homepage

——————————— Platinum ———————————
Logo Google        Logo Swissquote        Logo Ubisoft
———————————— Gold ———————————--
Logo Together        Logo One Plus        Logo Audio technica
———————————— Silver ———————————--
                        Logo Huawei
———————————— Bronze ———————————--
                              Logo Salt

however this should not interfere with the existing carousel display of the sponsors (such as

Proposed implementation

Sponsors component ( has JSON definition modified as follows: it is an object, which keys are tiers containing arrays of sponsors

  "platinum": [
      "name": "Foo Sponsor",
  "gold": [

Back-end implementations of are modified accordingly

View display implementation at are separated into 2 displays: one that separates each tier visually (with a stylized header such as and one that simply fetches all images (as currently on about/)

Modify docs accordingly

codeofmochi commented 4 years ago

Coherent color scheme for sponsors

The home page and the /about page have different background colors behind the sponsor logos. Since some sponsors would like to keep either a light or dark version of their logo on the website, we should change them such that they will fit on either page.

Proposal: darken the grey color on /about such that white logos are still legible. However, we should still find a solution if a logo is also grey.

codeofmochi commented 3 years ago

New implementation idea

sponsor-list.json has same shape, but items have additional "tier" property (define domain values):

        "name": "Swissquote",
        "websiteURL": "",
        "imageURL": "/sponsors/swissquote.png",
        "imageStyles": null,
        "tier": "platinum",
        "expiration": {
            "year": 2021,
            "month": 12,
            "day": 15

Need to modify sponsors.ts: Sponsor class, is validator, SponsorComponent need listFromTier which filters on the "tier" property.

Need to add in sponsors-view.njk: add a macro that is able to display sponsors in a hierachy (topmost is platinum, etc). May need to modify styles: either use "imageStyles" property per sponsor (however need to specify for each sponsor", or use the SASS styles and define CSS classes for each tier).

Update the call in src/pages/home/home-page-view.njk to call the above macro

s314cy commented 3 years ago

Do we want different image scales per tier? For instance, platinum sponsors would have their logos displayed bigger than gold sponsors.

codeofmochi commented 3 years ago

Merged in #132. We should probably also optimize the implementation in the future. @s314cy should we close for now?