click-contrib / click-repl

Subcommand REPL for click apps
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Question: Wiring up a repl to execute a 3rd level nested click command with a prompt_toolkit input #99

Open iPoetDev opened 1 year ago

iPoetDev commented 1 year ago

Implementer help sought - start with click_repl (this is where some examples would assist)

Seek to connect the text of an input to executing a click command in a app level repl from a prompt

I see from the readme for an advanced usage ... this is from here.

import click
from click_repl import repl
from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory
def cli():

def mycli(): # name changed from readme
    prompt_kwargs = {
        'history': FileHistory('.mycli_history'),
    repl(click.get_current_context(), prompt_kwargs=prompt_kwargs)


From Prompt_toolkit, I got me a working nested command structure (str only) This is from their SQL Tutorial

import click
from click_repl import repl
from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory

import cmdcomplete # custom local

def cliprompt():
    """Main. Build an SQLite REPL Tutorial"""
    session = PromptSession(

    while True:
            text = session.prompt('PyCriteria >  ')
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except EOFError:
            return text

and my sample/random subcommands from click are, and assume these are in the nest_auto completer

import click
def cli():

def mycli():
    prompt_kwargs = {
            'history': FileHistory('.mycli-history'),
    repl(click.get_current_context(), prompt_kwargs=prompt_kwargs)

@click.option('--arg1', required=True, help='This is argument 1')
@click.option('--arg2', required=True, help='This is argument 2')
def subcmd1(arg1, arg2):
    print(f'Subcommand 1 with arg1={arg1} and arg2={arg2}')

@click.option('--arg3', required=True, help='This is argument 3')
@click.option('--arg4', required=True, help='This is argument 4')
def subcmd2(arg3, arg4):
    print(f'Subcommand 2 with arg3={arg3} and arg4={arg4}')


So My question is giving me a brain freeze / starter burn

1) How do I wire up the following so I get the instruction to execute a click command from a prompt_toolkit string input.... ? 2) I am running my app like this (screenshot) 3) The logical map of subcommands is the larger screenshot.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    prompttext = cliprompt()

    repl(cli, prompt=prompttext)  # as pycharm inspector says Unexpected argument

But I don't know how to link the prompt input to a click command to be fired

The nested command structure is as per AWS command structure base command subcommand (this last entry is the function caller) image image

iPoetDev commented 1 year ago

Some of this a rough, WIP, and not meant to technically accurate, it is the conceptual freeze that is hurting

BTW I be happy to do some technical writing for examples and drink the champagne as a give back/contrib