clickcat-project / ClickCat

A friendly user interface that lets you search,explore and visualize your ClickHouse Data.
Apache License 2.0
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Usability issues in SQL query tab #5

Open dgloeckner opened 1 year ago

dgloeckner commented 1 year ago

No shortcut for run

CTRL+R or CMD+R on MacOS are common shortcuts for a run action. It would be awesome if I would not have to switch to my mouse to click the play button. image

Statistics unclear

See the section marked in yellow.I assume 1178 rows refers to scanned rows in ClickHouse, not returned rows.

clickhouse-client has a much clearer way to show all of this info. Could we try to replicate this?

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.008 sec. Processed 8.19 thousand rows, 589.90 KB (1.04 million rows/s., 75.24 MB/s.)


Column / table searchbar is hard to use

It's not clear what the searchbar is supposed to do. Filter tables based on column names?


List scroll bar is almost invisible due to color scheme

Dark grey on dark grey just doesn't do it ;)


dgloeckner commented 1 year ago

Don't get me wrong guys! The tool is awesome already!

dgloeckner commented 1 year ago

I made some changes in my fork. Regarding the issues mentioned above I addressed the following ones:

Please see

wangqinghuan commented 1 year ago

Thank you @dgloeckner. Could you create a pr? We'll merge these changes.

dgloeckner commented 1 year ago

@wangqinghuan thanks and here's the PR: