clickrain / EE_Twitter

EE Add-on that uses oAuth to display Twitter Feed
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Automatic linking in {text} broken #18

Closed simonjob closed 11 years ago

simonjob commented 11 years ago

The output from {text} is messing up links in the tweet.

Here's is the output I get:

<a href="">@mathslinks</a> &mdash; New post on MathsClass: NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum - Content Breakdown <a target='' title='' href='&lt;a target=' title='' href=''></a>'></a> <span class="twdate">49m ago</span>
bryanburgers commented 11 years ago

What version of EE are you running? What version of EE_Twitter? Was it working once and stopped working? Or never has been working? Or was working before an upgrade and not working after? Or you are just trying it for the first time and it isn't working?

simonjob commented 11 years ago

EE 2.6.1, EE_Twitter 1.4.0. I have just installed it.

simonjob commented 11 years ago

Here is a very basic test page

The only code on that page is:

{exp:twitter:user screen_name="mathslinks" limit="1" count="1"}
{text} - {relative_date}
bryanburgers commented 11 years ago

This was a regression going from version 1.3.1 to version 1.4.0. It is now fixed in version 1.4.1. Please download that and try again. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

simonjob commented 11 years ago

That has fixed it, thanks.