clickrain / EE_Twitter

EE Add-on that uses oAuth to display Twitter Feed
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created_at doesn't work with a prefix #32

Closed bryanburgers closed 10 years ago

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

On ExpressionEngine 2.8.0, using the created_at tag with a prefix does not work. However, created_at without a prefix does work.

This outputs {twitter:created_at format="%D, %F %d, %Y - %g:%i:%s"} literally.

{exp:twitter:user screen_name='bryanburgers' prefix='twitter'}
    {twitter:created_at format="%D, %F %d, %Y - %g:%i:%s"}

This works correctly.

{exp:twitter:user screen_name='bryanburgers'}
    {created_at format="%D, %F %d, %Y - %g:%i:%s"}

ExpressionEngine version: 2.8.0 EE_Twitter version: 1.6.1

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

This has to do with a bug in EE 2.8.0. I've submitted a bug report to Ellis Labs at (link may not be public).

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

The workaround is to, if possible, not use the prefix='...' parameter until EE fixes the issue. Alternatively, change the elseif on line 4162 of expressionengine/libraries/Template.php to a regular if.

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

According to EllisLab, this issue has been fixed in ExpressionEngine and will be out in the next release.

The bug has been fixed (and the solution has been updated) and will be in the next release.