clickrain / EE_Twitter

EE Add-on that uses oAuth to display Twitter Feed
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Allow multiple twitter users to be displayed in one feed. #34

Closed Kolin closed 10 years ago

Kolin commented 10 years ago

Multiple twitter usernames can be specified in a pipe separated list. Tweets from each of these users will then be shown in a single feed.


{exp:twitter:user screen_name="twitter|Support" limit="3" retweets="no"
<li><a href="{screen_name}/"><strong>@{screen_name}</strong></a> - {text}</li>
bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

This seems to sort in the wrong direction for me. It sorts from oldest to newest.

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

I also wonder if the better solution for this would be to support Twitter's list feature.

That does add a bit of a burden to you to have to create a list for just two people.

What are your thoughts?

Kolin commented 10 years ago

I've fixed the sort order.

I think support for lists would be useful. Maybe both methods could be supported? I can look into adding list support if needed.

bryanburgers commented 10 years ago

Committed. Thanks!

It's up to you if you'd like to look into the list functionality. I would think it would be pretty straightforward, but I can't say that for sure.