clickrain / EE_Twitter

EE Add-on that uses oAuth to display Twitter Feed
48 stars 18 forks source link

Basic install not working :( #38

Closed DesignByOnyx closed 10 years ago

DesignByOnyx commented 10 years ago

I have been through and tried to debug myself, to no avail. I assume that the OAuth library is up to date and generating all the tokens properly. I created an app in my account. I am using the "API Key" and "API Secret" as the "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret" (respectively):


I got my client to approve my app on their twitter account, and they sent me the PIN. I plugged in the PIN in the module settings and it said that it was successful.

I am trying to use the following tags to display tweets:

{exp:twitter:user screen_name="southefinancial" count="2" replies="no"}{/exp:twitter:user}

Here's the request when I print the $url in TwitterEETwitter_OAuth->http:[KEY]&oauth_nonce=2e950f0dd610f46e69ec3b0ce618c312&oauth_signature=lZMHo31PlDqvuwKgf9HoU4u0LRE%3D&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1401312511&oauth_token=188039793-beJQfQIGUHWE7RCMzBvq4GNl2PY4bfL8mSy5TCXl&oauth_version=1.0&screen_name=southefinancial

And here is the response:

{"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}

I have also update the API URLs per Twitter's documentation (not all URLs contained the "api" prefix):

  function accessTokenURL()  { return ''; }
  function authenticateURL() { return ''; }
  function authorizeURL()    { return ''; }
  function requestTokenURL() { return ''; }

Any help from the authors is greatly appreciated. I'm a seasoned developer, so a simple "look here" and "check this" kind of advice would be awesome.

markdrzy commented 10 years ago

First, thank you very much for your thorough submission!

Can you confirm that "southefinancial" is a valid Twitter account? I'm not able to hit it when I go to

I walked through the installation process in my development environment, and everything works until I use the "southefinancial" account. Other Twitter accounts seem to work fine.

DesignByOnyx commented 10 years ago

Oh me oh my. I inherited this site from someone else who had created a social nav with the twitter link pointing to "@southefinancial". I didn't even think to check that. Oh my word... I am just beyond words. Your plugin works. Thank you very much. It's "@southefinance" btw. </part_of_my_life_wasted>

markdrzy commented 10 years ago

I totally understand! I've had days (weeks) like that. :-)