clicon / clixon

YANG-based toolchain including NETCONF and RESTCONF interfaces and an interactive CLI
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The domain name is entered without restrictions, but at the same time, if you enter the ip address, the command does not pass. #526

Open khromenokroman opened 1 month ago

khromenokroman commented 1 month ago


grouping notification-filter-top{

container notification {

    description "Настройка фильтра нотификации";

   container notification-filter{

     description "Настройка фильтра нотификации";

    list profile{

      description "Настройка профилей нотификации";

      key "profile-id";

    leaf profile-id{

       description "id профиля";

       type uint32;


    list method {

      description "Способ уведомления";

      key 'method-name';

      leaf method-name{

      description "Наименование способа уведомления"; 

      type enumeration{

        enum 'email';



      leaf threshold {

        description "Порог частоты отправки уведомлений (в секундах)";

        type uint32;


      leaf from {

        description "Адрес отправителя";

        type string;


      leaf to {

        description "Адрес получателя";

        type string;


      leaf server {

        description "Hostname или ip-адрес почтового сервера";

        type inet:host;


The host parameter implies two values - ip address and domain name.

The domain name is entered without restrictions, but at the same time, if you enter the ip address, the command does not pass.

root@ngfw/> set context sample system notification profile 1 method email server
CLI syntax error: "set context sample system notification profile 1 method email server" is ambiguous
root@ngfw/> set context sample system notification profile 1 method email server

If you make inet:ipv4-address as the data type, then everything works. I.e. in a similar structure there is a problem with inet:host, which is set via union.