clicon / clixon

YANG-based toolchain including NETCONF and RESTCONF interfaces and an interactive CLI
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AUTOEXPAND: union with leafref #527

Open temabeloglinski opened 1 month ago

temabeloglinski commented 1 month ago

Hi Olof! I have a question about union wth leafref. I have a structure in which I specify several types of interfaces - loopback and Ethernet. While the network zone element is being filled, autoexpand does not work. If I leave only one element without a union, then the autoexpand works without problems. How to solve this problem?

    grouping interfaces-with-subs

    list interface  {  
      key "name";
        "interface name";

    leaf name {
      description "interface name";     
      type union {
      type leafref {
        path "../../../../interface/ethernet/name";

      type leafref {
        path "../../../../interface/loopback/name";




root@device/> set context 1 network-zone INSIDE interface ?
  <name>                interface name
root@device/> set context 1 network-zone INSIDE interface