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[FR] Support for inline table editing - similar to Prisma Studio #12

Closed zaini closed 2 weeks ago

zaini commented 3 weeks ago

Rather than having to write SQL to edit my tables, I'd like to be able to edit the tables inline.

I'm coming from Prisma Studio so that should give you an idea of the experience there, which is overall very good.

One major issue I had with Prisma Studio though is that it doesn't seem to support adding new lines for String columns when editing inline :((

Also doesn't support a markdown editor, because sometimes I store MD in my String columns

hkdeman commented 3 weeks ago

For sure! Inline editing is the next up feature. We are trying to enhance it where the experience to edit and "preview" (on click hold) is quite good. I love the markdown editor (even for preview). Will keep this thread updated :)

hkdeman commented 2 weeks ago

Inline actions are released!

Further, now you can hold a cell and preview its value. This supports JSON & Markdown! Hopefully it is useful! Do let us know any feedback.