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[Bug]: textWrap is not calculating properly text size when using custom fonts / size (Bootstrap repro) #2295

Closed alexandernst closed 3 months ago

alexandernst commented 9 months ago

What happened?

It seems that textWrap isn't working as expected when using css styling. A simple repro:

Note that commenting the bootstrap import fixes the issue.




What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Firefox, Chrome, Safari

What operating system are you seeing the problem on?


kumilingus commented 9 months ago

Now you must explicitly set all font-related attributes in the <text> element for the textWrap function to work correctly. Back then, this decision was made consciously for performance reasons.

Now it is probably a good time to use the getComputedStyle() function to retrieve the actual font attributes needed to calculate the text wrap.

alexandernst commented 9 months ago

@kumilingus is this going to make it in the next patch release (3.7.6?) or will it land in 4.0.0? If the later, is there any workaround that I can apply?

kumilingus commented 9 months ago

Sorry, haven't made the decision yet.

A workaround is to re-define the textWrap attribute. It can be done per element, as shown below.

class MyRect extends joint.dia.Element {

    static attributes = {
        textWrap: {
            qualify: joint.util.isPlainObject,
            set: function(value, refBBox, node, attrs) {
                const computedFontSize = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(node).fontSize);
                const computedAttrs = { ...attrs };
                computedAttrs.fontSize = computedFontSize;
      , value, refBBox, node, computedAttrs);

Here's updated version of your codesandbox:

alexandernst commented 9 months ago

Hi! I was finally able to get to this. I tried it, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Resizing the cell makes the text overflow the width.


kumilingus commented 9 months ago

The break text depends not only on the font-size, but also on font-family, font-weight, letter-spacing.

  static attributes = {
    textWrap: {
      qualify: joint.util.isPlainObject,
      set: function (value, refBBox, node, attrs) {
        const computedStyles = getComputedStyle(node);
        const fontSize = parseFloat(computedStyles.fontSize);
        const fontFamily = computedStyles.fontFamily;
        const computedAttrs = { ...attrs, fontSize, fontFamily };

Updated example:

alexandernst commented 9 months ago

Oh, I see 🤔. I was about to ask why / how the different attributes are handled, then I remembered I can see the code 😂. I had a look at the textWrap:set function. I see that the following attributes are taken into account when computing the width / height of the text:

I think the following extra attributes should be taken into account:

kumilingus commented 9 months ago

I think that only text-transform applies to SVG.

IMHO text-shadow does not affect the text. It only adds a shadow next to the text. But it is a matter of interpretation.

Note that there is no line-height in SVG. It's a property that we introduced in the Vectorizer.text() method.

kumilingus commented 8 months ago

Fix waits for #2335. For the time being please use the workaround.

It's currently not guaranteed that the font-size is already set on the SVGNode (because it is a special attribute - because of calc()). i.e. the computed style might return incorrect font size (whatever the font size is before the font-size attribute is set).

coyoteecd commented 8 months ago

Another workaround that I've used in our project for a similar problem (body style, including font family/size/weight affected the SVG text but did not get taken into account when calculating wrapping) is to set the text attributes explicitly with references to CSS variables. For me this solved the text wrapping without being forced to duplicate values between the CSS file and the TypeScript file containing the shape definition.


  text: {
    fontFamily: 'var(--my-body-font-family)',
    fontWeight: 'var(--my-body-font-weight)',
    fontSize: 'var(--my-body-font-size)',
    textWrap: {
      width: '97%' // padding

Recent versions of Bootstrap already define CSS vars, so you might be able to use them as-is.

kumilingus commented 8 months ago

Nice, I didn't know this is even possible:

:root {
  --rect-color: red;  
  <rect width="100" height="100" fill="var(--rect-color)" />
alexandernst commented 3 months ago

I thought this was going to land in 4.0 since it's a breaking change 🤔 maybe in a future 4.x release?

kumilingus commented 3 months ago

The necessary breaking change was made and the issue can be fixed with a patch now (4.0.x).

zbynekstara commented 1 month ago

Hi @alexandernst, the fix was released as part of JointJS v4.0.2 (JointJS+ v4.0.1).

alexandernst commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you @zbynekstara !!