clienthax / Ps3GhidraScripts

Various scripts for ghidra for parsing ps3 binarys
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Unable to locate script class #19

Closed AddyMills closed 2 years ago

AddyMills commented 2 years ago

I'm getting an error similar to other issues where the script class can't be located: image

I'm using Ghidra 10.1.4 and I've followed all the installation instructions on the Readme. I tried using an ELF file made using RPCS3's "Decrypt PS3 Binaries" function as well as TrueAncestor's SELF resigner. I tried 3 different games's EBOOT elf files and I get the same error. Is there something I'm missing?

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Did you follow the instructions here?

Every instance I have seen of this error is due to people adding the scripts folder manually instead of using the extension.

AddyMills commented 2 years ago

I installed it by going to File->Install Extensions, clicking on the green "+" button and selecting the zip file as per the instructions.

I restart Ghidra as per the popup and then go into the code browser. I open up the script manager, select the script and then run it before doing the analysis.

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Can you show your script folder window?

AddyMills commented 2 years ago

Sure thing: image

And here's the folder itself: image

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Heh.. ok, that is strange. Can you run ghidra through support/ghidraDebug and copy the log after trying to use the script?

AddyMills commented 2 years ago

I ran the script in debug mode, but the log didn't give me much of anything related to the script

2022-06-20 11:39:02 INFO  ghidra.framework.LoggingInitialization Using log config file: file:/C:/Ghidra/Ghidra%2010.1.4/support/debug.log4j.xml  
2022-06-20 11:39:02 INFO  ghidra.framework.LoggingInitialization Using log file: C:\Users\FJ_Mo\.ghidra\.ghidra_10.1.4_PUBLIC\application.log  
2022-06-20 11:39:02 INFO  ghidra.framework.preferences.Preferences Loading user preferences: C:\Users\FJ_Mo\.ghidra\.ghidra_10.1.4_PUBLIC\preferences  
2022-06-20 11:39:02 INFO  ghidra.framework.preferences.Preferences Loading previous preferences: C:\Users\FJ_Mo\.ghidra\.ghidra_10.1.2_PUBLIC\preferences  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO  ghidra.util.classfinder.ClassSearcher Class search complete (993 ms)  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO Initializing SSL Context  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO  generic.random.SecureRandomFactory Initializing Random Number Generator...  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO  generic.random.SecureRandomFactory Random Number Generator initialization complete: SHA1PRNG  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO Trust manager disabled, cacerts have not been set  
2022-06-20 11:39:03 INFO  ghidra.GhidraRun User FJ_Mo started Ghidra.  
2022-06-20 11:39:04 DEBUG Recovery snapshot timer set to 5 minute(s)  
2022-06-20 11:39:04 INFO  ghidra.framework.project.DefaultProject Opening project: D:\Ghidra Projects\LRB 10.1.4  
2022-06-20 11:39:08 INFO Packed database cache: C:\Users\FJ_Mo\AppData\Local\Ghidra\packed-db-cache  
2022-06-20 11:39:08 DEBUG Using cached packed database: C:\Ghidra\Ghidra 10.1.4\Ghidra\Features\Base\data\typeinfo\win32\windows_vs12_32.gdt

That's everything it gave me after closing the program

clienthax commented 2 years ago

What Java version does ghidra say you are using when it starts up?

AddyMills commented 2 years ago

It's using version 18.0.1

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I am using 17.0.2, I wonder if the later java version somehow causing issues, I don't have many other ideas at this point.

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Tested with jdk18, works fine here.

constant5 commented 2 years ago

I am having the same problem.

clienthax commented 2 years ago

Until someone can reproduce this with a debugger attached it's likely not going to be fixed as the cause isn't known

constant5 commented 2 years ago

My bad. Downgrading to JDK 11 fixed the problem.

clienthax commented 2 years ago

That makes even less sense :)

clienthax commented 2 years ago

I'm wondering if this is the actual issue

However it does work fine for me on jdk18