clifordsymack / Electron-Cash

Electrum; Bitcoin thin client
MIT License
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Shuffle tiers need to account for minimum change output being >= 546 sats (dust threshold) #67

Closed cculianu closed 5 years ago

cculianu commented 5 years ago

I was getting errors during shuffling because some participant was producing change outputs <546 sats.

The rule is now:

minimum_input_size = tier_amount + fee_per_player

It should become:

minimum_input_size = tier_amount + fee_per_player + min_change_dust

cculianu commented 5 years ago

The other alternative is to just give the dust change to the miner as extra fee. Investigating that now and it looks pretty possible.

cculianu commented 5 years ago

Fixed it. I went with the "dust outputs go to miner fee" route..