clifordsymack / Electron-Cash

Electrum; Bitcoin thin client
MIT License
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Subtle corner case where same shuffle output address might get re-used #97

Closed cculianu closed 5 years ago

cculianu commented 5 years ago

While reading the code today, I discovered a possible way that a shuffle output address could get re-used in the pathological circumstances described in #70 (Last player advantage).

Basically the other clients give up on the shuffle and go back to their queue and if things line up in an improbable but still possible way -- another shuffle can get set up to use the output address of the "failed" shuffle described in #70. That shuffle eventually broadcasts by the lagged player and thus 2 outputs (1 possibly being an unshuffled 'change', the other shuffled non-change) can end up on the same address, after all is said and done.

This is unlikely but there needs to be a workaround and/or fix for this. I have already thought of a strategy to address this -- imposing a "cooling down" period before re-using addresses of previously-failed shuffles just in case they eventually succeed and are broadcast by the lagged player.

This requires a little additional logic to be added but it's not too bad. I consider it a high priority as this corner case, while unlikely, may pop up occasionally and reduce confidence in the quality of this software if people get wind of it.