climate-mirror / datasets

For tracking data mirroring progress
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Dataset at ftp:/ #174

Open nickrsan opened 7 years ago

nickrsan commented 7 years ago


Suggested in a large email containing many urls

donbright commented 7 years ago

size estimates

lftp -c 'open && du -h -d1'
110M    ./AB_1996_reanalysis                                                   
674M    ./AirT                                                                 
356M    ./Animations                                                         
850K    ./AnnualMeanSLP                                                        
709M    ./BUOY_DATA                                                            
25M     ./C                                                         
345M    ./D                                                         
14M     ./Daily_NIC                                                         
5.0G    ./DailyMaps                                                            
102M    ./H                                                         
308M    ./MonthlyMaps                                                          
307K    ./MonthlyMeanSLP                                                       
78M     ./OceanBuoys                                                           
333M    ./pos_data                                                             
12K     ./PROGS                                                         
349M    ./Reports                                                              
8.4G    total
bkirkbri commented 7 years ago

This is a non-federal site, definitely low priority.

entr0p1 commented 7 years ago

I have this downloaded now

Checksum(s): Root Directory: Total Size: 2.5GB

Edit: re-doing this as there's a bunch of folders missing from my copy. Edit 2: Links above are now updated, however there's issues with both local and public IPFS gateways displaying sharded objects (these have been added that way). There's currently an issue logged and the developers are working hard towards a fix, but rest assured the data is definitely there (I've checked individual files and they're loading OK).

entr0p1 commented 7 years ago
# du -sh *
148M    AB_1996_reanalysis
674M    AirT
896K    AnnualMeanSLP
29M     C
345M    D
18M     Daily_NIC
8.0K    Documentation.txt
102M    H
344K    MonthlyMeanSLP
337M    pos_data
4.0K    README

Seems to be some folders missing since the original listing, not sure if they're significant or not.