climate-mirror / datasets

For tracking data mirroring progress
201 stars 18 forks source link

Dataset at ftp:/ #216

Open nickrsan opened 7 years ago

nickrsan commented 7 years ago


Suggested in a large email containing many urls

gabefair commented 7 years ago

Correct URI:

alex-kazda commented 7 years ago

Downloading, but it might be that the data is an (uncompressed) subset of #215, see

lftp> du -h -d1 .
23G     ./ge                                                                     
15G     ./wi                                                                      
38G .
gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

@alex-kazda (New member here) I downloaded this last night and have it uploading now. You could do a second mirror or just move onto another dataset if you like.

alex-kazda commented 7 years ago

@gofrogs2013 I've finished the download anyway. Two copies are better than one.

I'm thinking about how to mirror the dataset. I'm new to this, too, so suggestions are welcome...

For now, I will hold on to the offline copy. I put the SHA256 sums of the files at

gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

I'm uploading to MEGA (formerly Megaupload) now as they have 50 GB of space with their free accounts, although my slow up speeds are dragging it out. I'll compare the SHA checksums and maybe get those dotfiles that I missed (as Filezilla excludes them by default). Once it's done I'll post a link.

gabefair commented 7 years ago

@gofrogs2013 can you give us a link?

gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

@gabefair Here it is. Just finished after literally 3 days of 24/7 uploading - blasted upload speeds!!7kpwDarD!mvgr6p7MG_Pyzp97EFSHiQ @alex-kazda If it's not too much trouble, you could try downloading this copy onto your computer as well and cross-checking the SHA-256 checksums. Note that the mirror won't have dotfiles, so you could delete them on your copy or I could add them to the mirror if they are in fact necessary.

alex-kazda commented 7 years ago

@gofrogs2013 I will upload my version tomorrow. As to verifying your version, I will start with that only after I'm reasonably sure that there is nothing more urgent that I can contribute to.

bkirkbri commented 7 years ago

Two copies are definitely better than one. We're aiming for at least two mirrors per dataset. Thanks to both of you. @gofrogs2013 Please post the link and SHA256 sums when you can.

bkirkbri commented 7 years ago

This does appear to be uncompressed recent data from #215.

gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

@bkirkbri The link for the dataset is above, and the SHA256 sums are at this link:!WlpBgToR!MhsU_6YA_beVGrgOXxnBUAUHTQP8YkvKYrVSuVBpV8g

gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

I did an index match in that Excel file comparing my local mirror to Alex's and the checksums are all fine. There are a few dotfiles he has that I don't, but the actual files are all good to go.

alex-kazda commented 7 years ago

@bkirkbri I also think so. I have no idea how important this data is by itself, but I will at least finish the mirror for now. I'm sorry for being late with the mirror, but it should be up tomorrow or on Friday.

bkirkbri commented 7 years ago

@alex-kazda No worries, thank you for your help. @gofrogs2013 Thanks for verifying.

alex-kazda commented 7 years ago

My backup data is at in a zip archive split into 13 files named and pwgdata.z01 through pwgdata.z12 I've put the checksums in the same directory.

EDIT: url fixed

gofrogs2013 commented 7 years ago

I've updated my local backup and the size nearly doubled to about 72 GB as there are many 2017 files. IF necessary I can update my mirror, although it will need to be in a different location as MEGA caps at 50 GB for their free service.