climate-mirror / datasets

For tracking data mirroring progress
201 stars 18 forks source link #285

Open JeremiahCurtis opened 7 years ago

JeremiahCurtis commented 7 years ago contains many important climate data records including ocean atmospheric fluxes and others

ivanstegic commented 7 years ago

I'm on this

blueacid commented 7 years ago

I'm on it too

ivanstegic commented 7 years ago

This directory is 7.1TB, I am at 185GB so far. It is likely I will run out of space soon.

blueacid commented 7 years ago

I can fit 7TB so I'll leave it going :)

ivanstegic commented 7 years ago

I've acquired more space, and I'm currently at 1.4TB for this. Still working...

ivanstegic commented 7 years ago

Had to stop for a while, I'm at 951G right now and going. Data available and will be continually updated here:

bkirkbri commented 7 years ago

@blueacid were you able to get this one completely? If so, please update with a URL and hashdeep output when you can.

blueacid commented 7 years ago

Sadly I don't think I managed to get it all completely. I left it running but it seems that the ftp server has been emptied.

Hashdeep running now, mirror will be up soon. Sorry I've been off the radar; lots going on!