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Langley DAAC MISR datasets #319

Open JeremiahCurtis opened 7 years ago

JeremiahCurtis commented 7 years ago

size: no idea....huge

on issue #80, this folder was left appears that no one is working on it

gabefair commented 7 years ago

The ftp site is: and another URI at:

pytaunay commented 7 years ago

Currently downloading. The symlinks in the MISR folder point to level0/MISR, level1/MISR, and misrl2l3/MISR/. level0/MISR is 23 GB, level1/MISR is more than 11 TB in size; had to stop before all data was downloaded due to lack of storage, but will resume as soon as it's mirrored. misrl2l3/MISR has not been estimated yet.

EDIT: I ran lftp's du command on the level1/MISR folder. It's huge: 1.5T ../../level1/MISR/MB2LME.002 1.5T ../../level1/MISR/MB2LMT.002 80G ../../level1/MISR/MI1AC.002 69G ../../level1/MISR/MI1AENG1.002 31M ../../level1/MISR/MI1AMOT.003 23G ../../level1/MISR/MI1ANAV.002 852M ../../level1/MISR/MI1AOBC.002 6.2T ../../level1/MISR/MI1B1.002 183T ../../level1/MISR/MI1B2E.003 92T ../../level1/MISR/MI1B2T.003 142M ../../level1/MISR/MIANCARP.002 3.6G ../../level1/MISR/MIANTASC.002 1.5T ../../level1/MISR/MIB1LM.002 951G ../../level1/MISR/MIB2GEOP.002 3.4T ../../level1/MISR/MIL1A.002 419G ../../level1/MISR/MISBR.005
289T ../../level1/MISR

pytaunay commented 7 years ago

And here is the size of misrl2l3/MISR: 186T ../../misrl2l3/MISR

Total size for MISR: level0 + level1 + misrl2l3: 475 TB

Can the labels be updated?

The file attached below contains the breakdown folder by folder: MISR_L2L3.txt