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EPA Envirofacts #352

Open JeremiahCurtis opened 7 years ago

JeremiahCurtis commented 7 years ago

Includes the following datasets Biennial Reporting (BR) Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) (see issue #93 and #329 ... at least one offline mirror.....not sure if any online mirrors exist) Information Collection Rule (ICR) Facility Registry Service (FRS) (also available via ECHO) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Grants Information and Control System (GICS) ICIS-AIR (also available via ECHO, and mirrored) Locational Information (LRT) Permit Compliance System (PCS)/Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) (not sure how much of this is available via ECHO) Radiation Information Database (RADInfo) RADNet Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)(also available via ECHO, and mirrored) Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)

The ECHO download page: This has been mirrored elsewhere as indicated in issue #113 ...I also have an offline mirror

I'm not sure how much of the above information is available on the ftp and newftp sites that have already been addressed. Given the hostility of the current administration towards the Clean Water Act, inter alia, I think point source data, like those above, are very likely extremely threatened. Not sure where others stand on this issue, but I think we should try to grab as much of the above as possible, even if only tangentially pertinent to climate change research, such as SDWIS.........I have limited experience with metadata and API downloads, and am hoping someone picks up on this issue, because the directions on some of the dataset URLs are kind of sketchy to someone, such as myself, who has limited experience with using this method for transferring data

Inferentially (through using the ECHO site), it is likely that these datasets are not terribly large; it just requires knowing how to get at them properly

I have no idea if Azimuth has all the above or not

In the meantime, I am trying to figure out how to get state-level EPA data....if anyone has any ideas beyond crawling the state sites, much appreciated (not sure of the comprehensiveness of the EDG site)