climate-mirror / datasets

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NSF Arctic Data Center #64

Open nickrsan opened 7 years ago

nickrsan commented 7 years ago

Name: NSF Arctic Data Center Organization: NSF Description URL: Download URL: File Types: NetCDF, CSV, shp, TIFF, JPEG, wav, Excel, and many others Size: 5TB, soon to be 10TB Status: The service is operated at UC Santa Barbara and data are all stored on non-governmental servers there, so at this point should be secure from federal policy changes. Replication of data to NCEI is in the plans. A copy of all data are also on Amazon's S3 service in a private bucket for the time being.

gpk320 commented 7 years ago

Downloading this data is a nontrivial engineering task. The data is only available through a complex HTTP REST API, documented here:

I grabbed what I could via wget, but it's just puffery, graphics, and javascript.