climate-strike / license

Prevent oil and gas companies from co-opting your work and extracting more fossil fuels with this software license.
485 stars 16 forks source link

Sugestion: register this as a SPDX license #21

Open Lucas-C opened 4 years ago

Lucas-C commented 4 years ago

In order to foster the adoption of this license, I suggest that it is formalized as a SPDX document.


The Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX®) specification is a standard format for communicating the component and metadata information associated with software packages. An SPDX file can be associated with a set of software packages, set of files or snippets and contains information about the software in the SPDX format described in this specification.


The SPDX License List is a list of commonly found licenses and exceptions used in free and open source and other collaborative software or documentation. The purpose of the SPDX License List is to enable easy and efficient identification of such licenses and exceptions in an SPDX document, in source files or elsewhere. The SPDX License List includes a standardized short identifier, full name, vetted license text including matching guidelines markup as appropriate, and a canonical permanent URL for each license and exception.

There are some detailed information on how to submit a new license here:

Lucas-C commented 4 years ago

It could also be submitted on

techieshark commented 3 years ago

+1. For NPM NodeJS package authors, until this is done there's an active discouragement from using non-standard licenses (npm complains about an invalid SPDX license if you try setting "license": "Climate Strike (MIT)" in your package.json).

UPDATE - for anyone finding this, for now just do like this in your package.json:

  "license" : "SEE LICENSE IN <filename>"

If you are using a license that hasn't been assigned an SPDX identifier, or if you are using a custom license, use a string value like this one…  (see