climate-tech-handbook / data-magic

Scripts and other fun tricks to enhance the site
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Create us an introductory GET endpoint for the Climate Tech Handbook #29

Open bigolboyyo opened 1 year ago

bigolboyyo commented 1 year ago

@shreeup Did an amazing job abstracting the fileapi endpoints into one blueprint. Seeing the leftover /hello endpoint made me think of a great first issue and feature enhancement.

This would be an amazing task for someone who is starting to feel comfortable with RESTful architecture and API design. You can be as creative as you want. Flask can serve html templates via JINJA, you could create a terminal interface or input prompting. Go crazy!

The endpoint should at the very least return a response explaining what the api is used and developed for. Link to the Climate Tech Handbook github, deployment site, blog posts, etc. Say thanks for stopping by, maybe point to the README or talk about Jacob (@futuresoup)