climbingdaily / SMPL-Scene-Viewer

A simple and fast GUI tool to visualize and compare the SMPL sequences and scenes in real-time.
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can not open PKL document. #2

Open AlexZhangUPUPUP opened 2 months ago

AlexZhangUPUPUP commented 2 months ago

I can not open PKL document.

I can run directly, but can not open PKL document of AMASS dataset. the link can open here:

The bug is here:

r/SMPL-Scene-Viewer$ python FEngine (64 bits) created at 0x558e3345c320 (threading is enabled) FEngine resolved backend: OpenGL Loading scene from /home/ubuntu/HumanoidData/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/smpl/sample.ply ====> Scene loading comsumed 0.0 s. [Open3D INFO] [o3d] name: ATUSquat_sync.pkl. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ubuntu/HumanoidData/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/gui_vis/", line 189, in load self.humans = data_loader.load_pkl(filename) File "/home/ubuntu/HumanoidData/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/SMPL-Scene-Viewer/util/", line 386, in load_pkl dets = pkl.load(f) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 3: ordinal not in range(128) Segmentation fault (core dumped)

can you help me to visualize it,thanks

climbingdaily commented 2 months ago

Hi, this tool is not compatible with AMASS pkl format because our viewer is intended for dual persons and comparisons with different results for the same person, you can see our format here and this is our demo pkl file.

But you can easily convert the AMASS PKL to our format with 'pose', 'translation', and 'shape/beta' and set a pkl file as follows:

|  ├── 'pose'              # list: (N, 72) or (N, 24, 3, 3) 
|  ├── 'mocap_trans' # list: (N, 3), the global translation
|  ├── 'beta'              # list: (10, ) the shape parameters of the SMPL model. 
|  ├── 'gender'          # string: 'male' 'female' 'neutral'. The gender of the SMPL model, default: 'male'
└──'frame_num' # (N, ) 

If you have any questions, please contact me with no hesitation.