climlab / climlab-rrtmg

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Solar heating rate is inf #25

Open lizhuo1108 opened 2 months ago

lizhuo1108 commented 2 months ago

Hi All, I copied the function "test_rrtmg_sw_mcica" from the example code:, but the solar heating rate (swhr) are all inf. However, the upward and downward solar radiation fluxes are normal. Anyone else run into this problem? Please find my code attached (Just copy the code:)

import numpy as np
from climlab_rrtmg import rrtmg_lw, rrtmg_sw

#! Specific heat at constant pressure
cp = 1004.

#! Set up the pressure domain
ps = 1000. #  Surface pressure in hPa
#! RRTM code expects arrays with (ncol, nlay)
#! and with pressure decreasing from surface at element 0
ncol = 1
nlay = 30
deltap = ps / nlay  # pressure interval
plev = np.linspace(ps, 0., nlay+1)  # pressure bounds
plev = plev[np.newaxis, ...]
play = np.linspace(ps-deltap/2., deltap/2., nlay)
play = play[np.newaxis, ...]
#! Set the temperatures
#!  Using a linearly decreasing temperature from surface to TOA
tsfc = 288.
tlay = np.linspace(288.-10., 200., nlay)
tlay = tlay[np.newaxis, ...]
tlev = np.linspace(288., 200., nlay+1)
tlev = tlev[np.newaxis, ...]

#! atmospheric composition
#! specific humidity profile computed from those temperatures using Manabe's
#! fixed relative humidity profile
specific_humidity = np.array([4.13141097e-03, 3.41509495e-03, 2.81099479e-03, 2.30359570e-03,
       1.87920573e-03, 1.52578624e-03, 1.23279279e-03, 9.91026303e-04,
       7.92494475e-04, 6.30283118e-04, 4.98437246e-04, 3.91851633e-04,
       3.06170488e-04, 2.37695932e-04, 1.83304857e-04, 1.40373783e-04,
       1.06711275e-04, 8.04974602e-05, 6.02302082e-05, 4.46774859e-05,
       3.28354282e-05, 2.38916443e-05, 1.71932832e-05, 1.22193649e-05,
       8.55682965e-06, 5.87957411e-06, 5.00000000e-06, 5.00000000e-06,
       5.00000000e-06, 5.00000000e-06])
#! Convert to volume mixing ratio from mass mixing ratio
#!  just multiplying by ratio of molecular weights of dry air and H2O
h2ovmr = specific_humidity * 28.97 / 18.01528
h2ovmr = h2ovmr[np.newaxis, ...]
#!  A global-mean ozone climatology
o3vmr = np.array([2.25573888e-08, 2.38730436e-08, 2.52586476e-08, 2.66442517e-08,
       2.80298557e-08, 2.97254145e-08, 3.14254923e-08, 3.31238355e-08,
       3.46767916e-08, 3.62297478e-08, 3.76122833e-08, 3.86410454e-08,
       3.96698075e-08, 4.08899052e-08, 4.21303310e-08, 4.39781220e-08,
       4.60528063e-08, 4.87636254e-08, 5.16974065e-08, 5.57122567e-08,
       6.17914190e-08, 7.15771368e-08, 9.29020109e-08, 1.29109217e-07,
       1.75914529e-07, 2.45552383e-07, 3.92764464e-07, 7.61726407e-07,
       2.25137178e-06, 7.27500161e-06])
o3vmr = o3vmr[np.newaxis, ...]
#! Other values taken from the AquaPlanet Experiment protocols,
#! except for O2 which is set the realistic value 0.21
co2vmr = 348. / 1E6 * np.ones_like(play)
ch4vmr = 1650. / 1E9 * np.ones_like(play)
n2ovmr = 306. / 1E9 * np.ones_like(play)
o2vmr = 0.21 * np.ones_like(play)
cfc11vmr = 0. * np.ones_like(play)
cfc12vmr = 0. * np.ones_like(play)
cfc22vmr = 0. * np.ones_like(play)
ccl4vmr = 0. * np.ones_like(play)

#!  Cloud parameters
cloud_level_index = 8
cldfrac = 0.5 * np.exp(-(play-play[0,cloud_level_index])**2/(2*25.)**2)  # Layer cloud fraction: a Gaussian centered on a pressure level
clwp = 60. * np.ones_like(play)  # in-cloud liquid water path (g/m2)
ciwp = 0. * np.ones_like(play)   # in-cloud ice water path (g/m2)
relq = 14. * np.ones_like(play) # Cloud water drop effective radius (microns)
reic = 0. * np.ones_like(play)  # Cloud ice particle effective size (microns)

nbndsw = int(rrtmg_sw.parrrsw.nbndsw)
naerec = int(rrtmg_sw.parrrsw.naerec)
ngptsw = int(rrtmg_sw.parrrsw.ngptsw)
#!  Initialize absorption data
#!  Lots of RRTMG parameters
icld = 1    # Cloud overlap method, 0: Clear only, 1: Random, 2,  Maximum/random] 3: Maximum
irng = 1  # more monte carlo stuff
permuteseed = 150
dyofyr = 0       # day of the year used to get Earth/Sun distance (if not adjes)
inflgsw  = 2
iceflgsw = 1
liqflgsw = 1
tauc = 0.
ssac = 0.  # In-cloud single scattering albedo
asmc = 0.  # In-cloud asymmetry parameter
fsfc = 0.  # In-cloud forward scattering fraction (delta function pointing forward "forward peaked scattering")
iaer = 0   #! Aerosol option flag
            #!    0: No aerosol
            #!    6: ECMWF method: use six ECMWF aerosol types input aerosol optical depth at 0.55 microns for each aerosol type (ecaer)
            #!    10:Input aerosol optical properties: input total aerosol optical depth, single scattering albedo and asymmetry parameter (tauaer, ssaaer, asmaer) directly
tauaer = 0. * np.ones_like(play)   # Aerosol optical depth (iaer=10 only), Dimensions,  (ncol,nlay,nbndsw)] #  (non-delta scaled)
#!  broadcast and transpose to get [ncol,nlay,nbndsw]
tauaer = np.transpose(tauaer * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay]), (1,2,0))
ssaaer = 0. * np.ones_like(play)   # Aerosol single scattering albedo (iaer=10 only), Dimensions,  (ncol,nlay,nbndsw)] #  (non-delta scaled)
#!  broadcast and transpose to get [ncol,nlay,nbndsw]
ssaaer = np.transpose(ssaaer * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay]), (1,2,0))
asmaer = 0. * np.ones_like(play)   # Aerosol asymmetry parameter (iaer=10 only), Dimensions,  (ncol,nlay,nbndsw)] #  (non-delta scaled)
#!  broadcast and transpose to get [ncol,nlay,nbndsw]
asmaer = np.transpose(asmaer * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay]), (1,2,0))
ecaer  = 0. * np.ones_like(play)   # Aerosol optical depth at 0.55 micron (iaer=6 only), Dimensions,  (ncol,nlay,naerec)] #  (non-delta scaled)
#!  broadcast and transpose to get [ncol,nlay,naerec]
ecaer = np.transpose(ecaer * np.ones([naerec,ncol,nlay]), (1,2,0))
#!  These cloud arrays have an extra dimension for number of bands
#! in-cloud optical depth [nbndsw,ncol,nlay]
tauc = 0. * np.ones_like(play)
#!  broadcast to get [nbndsw,ncol,nlay]
tauc = tauc * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay])
#! In-cloud single scattering albedo, same operation
ssac = 0. * np.ones_like(play) * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay])
#! In-cloud asymmetry parameter
asmc = 0. * np.ones_like(play) * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay])
#! In-cloud forward scattering fraction (delta function pointing forward "forward peaked scattering")
fsfc = 0. * np.ones_like(play) * np.ones([nbndsw,ncol,nlay])
#! insolation
scon = 1365.2  # solar constant
coszen = 1/4  # cosine of zenith angle
adjes = 1.  # instantaneous irradiance = scon * eccentricity_factor
dyofyr = 0       # day of the year used to get Earth/Sun distance (if not adjes)
#! new arguments for RRTMG_SW version 4.0
isolvar = -1    # ! Flag for solar variability method
indsolvar = np.ones(2)      # Facular and sunspot amplitude scale factors (isolvar=1),
                             # or Mg and SB indices (isolvar=2)
bndsolvar = np.ones(nbndsw) # Solar variability scale factors for each shortwave band
solcycfrac = 1.              # Fraction of averaged solar cycle (0-1) at current time (isolvar=1)

#! surface albedo
aldif = 0.3
aldir = 0.3
asdif = 0.3
asdir = 0.3

#!  Call the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation (McICA, Pincus et al., JC, 2003)
(cldfmcl, ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl, taucmcl,
ssacmcl, asmcmcl, fsfcmcl) = rrtmg_sw.climlab_mcica_subcol_sw(
                ncol, nlay, icld, permuteseed, irng, play,
                cldfrac, ciwp, clwp, reic, relq, tauc, ssac, asmc, fsfc)

(swuflx, swdflx, swhr, swuflxc, swdflxc, swhrc) =  \
        rrtmg_sw.climlab_rrtmg_sw(ncol, nlay, icld, iaer,
            play, plev, tlay, tlev, tsfc,
            h2ovmr, o3vmr, co2vmr, ch4vmr, n2ovmr, o2vmr,
            asdir, asdif, aldir, aldif,
            coszen, adjes, dyofyr, scon, isolvar,
            inflgsw, iceflgsw, liqflgsw, cldfmcl,
            taucmcl, ssacmcl, asmcmcl, fsfcmcl,
            ciwpmcl, clwpmcl, reicmcl, relqmcl,
            tauaer, ssaaer, asmaer, ecaer,
            bndsolvar, indsolvar, solcycfrac)
brian-rose commented 1 month ago

Hi @lizhuo1108, I just edited your comment to enclose the code example in tick marks ``` so it displays correctly.

I'll take a look at the example.

brian-rose commented 1 month ago

Hi @lizhuo1108, I have reproduced your result and found the same issue. Looking through code from which swhr is calculated (e.g. here), I didn't see anything obvious like a division by zero. So I'm still confused about the reason for the inf values.

The reason why this was never detected before is that climlab does not use the swhr diagnostic. If you look at the climlab wrapper for RRTMG_SW you'll see that the heating rate (in K/s) is calculated in the Python code from the divergence of the radiative flux and the heat capacity of the grid cell. The diagnostic swhr is returned from the Fortran code but ignored.

That would be my suggested workaround.

lizhuo1108 commented 1 month ago

Hi @lizhuo1108, I have reproduced your result and found the same issue. Looking through code from which swhr is calculated (e.g. here), I didn't see anything obvious like a division by zero. So I'm still confused about the reason for the inf values.

The reason why this was never detected before is that climlab does not use the swhr diagnostic. If you look at the climlab wrapper for RRTMG_SW you'll see that the heating rate (in K/s) is calculated in the Python code from the divergence of the radiative flux and the heat capacity of the grid cell. The diagnostic swhr is returned from the Fortran code but ignored.

That would be my suggested workaround.

Hi @brian-rose , Thanks for your time and effort on this! I think that maybe it is possible to calculate swhr based on lwhr and longwave flux convergence at each layer, I will take a look at this.