Open ewlidd opened 4 days ago
Now that I've attempted to write a fix, the pester tests fail
Message RuntimeException: Cannot index into a null array. at Resolve-TemplateDeploymentScope, /home/runner/work/deploy-bicep/deploy-bicep/src/support-functions.psm1:203 at <ScriptBlock>, /home/runner/work/deploy-bicep/deploy-bicep/src/Resolve-DeploymentConfig.ps1:64 at <ScriptBlock>, /home/runner/work/deploy-bicep/deploy-bicep/src/tests/Resolve-DeploymentConfig.tests.ps1:22
it appears that $Matches is not being populated after a successful match. This could also be why the above issue described fails. It might be matching successfully but failing to index $Matches at
Demonstrating $Matches not working on a positive match:
PS /home/ewlidd> $templateFileContent = Get-Content -Path ~/Desktop/test.bicep
PS /home/ewlidd> $templateFileContent
// Global Parameters
targetScope = 'subscription'
PS /home/ewlidd> $regex = "^(?:\s)*?targetScope(?:\s)*?=(?:\s)*?(?:['\s])+?(resourceGroup|subscription|managementGroup|tenant)(?:['\s])+?"
PS /home/ewlidd> $null -eq $Matches
PS /home/ewlidd> if ($templateFileContent -match $regex){write-output "true - $Matches"}
true -
PS /home/ewlidd> $null -eq $Matches
PS /home/ewlidd> if ("testing" -match '^testing$'){write-output "true - $Matches"}
true - System.Collections.Hashtable
PS /home/ewlidd> $Matches | fl *
Name : 0
Key : 0
Value : testing
PS /home/ewlidd> $PSVersionTable
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 7.4.6
PSEdition Core
GitCommitId 7.4.6
OS Arch Linux
Platform Unix
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
WSManStackVersion 3.0
All workflow runs fail using this action with:
Exception: [Resolve-TemplateDeploymentScope()] Target scope is resourceGroup, but resourceGroupName property is not present in deploymentConfig.json file
Get-Content -Raw collects the file content as a singular string, instead of an array of lines:
The subsequent -match here: automatically iterates over an array, returning matches, but since $templateFileContent is no longer an array of lines but a singular string it attempts to match the entire template file. It fails to find targetScope in a valid bicep.main file.