climu / OSR-discord-bot

Discord bot of the Open Study Room
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we have same discriminator as sbot #5

Open climu opened 6 years ago

climu commented 6 years ago

currently we have the same discriminator ! as raylu's sbot.

It means when users type !help it trigger both bots help message.

I wonder if we should change our bot discriminator to avoid this. Maybe & or $?

d-korni commented 6 years ago

I'm not liking the idea of & as much personally, maybe $. And the only issue really comes for the help command at the time.

Could we have the sbot display the help for OSR bot in a second line/post, with the later not having a help of its own? I guess this depends on what are the future plans for raylu's sbot?

climu commented 6 years ago

I think sbot is not only in OSR discord. So we can hardly request changes on it.

Either we get sbot out or we adapt to it.

raylu commented 6 years ago

I could implement per-guild discriminators, but it's probably easier to just kick sbot

(but also, patches welcome!

d-korni commented 6 years ago

Another discriminator option is .. Might be easier for mobile users too.

climu commented 6 years ago

I just kicked sbot out of OSR discord. We were not using it very often.

climu commented 4 years ago

sbot is now showing twitch go live. Maybe we could just remove the "command not found" message?

raylu commented 4 years ago

yeah, it's pretty weird to respond to everything that starts with a ! for sure. we should do that regardless