clin1223 / VLDet

[ICLR 2023] PyTorch implementation of VLDet (
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There is no TEST division in LVIS ? #12

Closed dreamwish1998 closed 1 year ago

dreamwish1998 commented 1 year ago

Great work! How can I evaluate the pretrained or trained model in the LVIS (CC3M) dataset? For example, in the configuration file "VLDet_LbaseCCcap_CLIP_R5021k_640b64_2x_ft4x_caption.yaml", it contains the attributes DATASETS: TRAIN: ("lvis_v1_train_norare", "cc3m_v1_nouns_train _6250tags"). There is no division corresponding to TEST in it, is this correct? Can this correctly evaluate the model trained by LVIS? Thanks!