clingen-data-model / clingen-interpretation

Allele (variant) interpretation model and API for ClinGen
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ValueSet label #162

Closed cbizon closed 6 years ago

cbizon commented 6 years ago

@larrybabb @bpow

The new valueset has a label instead of a name. No problem with that. But the labels have changed somewhat also. So now what used to have a name of "ContributoryRole" has a label of "Contributory Role".

So what?

Well, when I am transforming VCI json, if I get a term for a certain entity, I want to go to the ValueSet associated with that kind of entity and see if I can find it. ( Recall, I'm just getting strings from VCI, and we want to associate them with our ValueSet terms.) I have to be able to associate types with sets. I was doing that by the name, but now the names have changed with the addition of these spaces, so I can't find some of them generically any more.

So, can we either have 1) The labels go back to no-spaces so that they match the type of the things in the value set or 2) have a new attribute in value sets that says the type of things in it.

2 is probably the cleaner version.

cbizon commented 6 years ago

P.S. It's not just as simple as removing spaces. In VS003 the label is "ClinicalSignificance" while the types are "Significance".

I guess that maybe the answer here is for me just to grab the types from the entities in the set and go from that.

larrybabb commented 6 years ago

@cbizon I can add a parameter that links the entity type to the valueSet. I think I've been meaning to do this anyway. I figured it would eventually be needed. I'll add now.

larrybabb commented 6 years ago

done. I'm not sure if it helped but I added a "conceptType" attribute to the ValueSets which should map to the datatype for the ValueSet concepts which belong in that ValueSet.

I will leave this for @cbizon to close if this addressed the issue above.