clingen-data-model / clingen-interpretation

Allele (variant) interpretation model and API for ClinGen
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Change the directory name of 'generated' to just put these in 'entities' #239

Closed bpow closed 6 years ago

bpow commented 6 years ago

Tagging this as an issue so others know what I have in mind, especially @sgoehringer and @larrybabb who are probably working on docs today.

The directory name 'generated' is kinda' ugly, I just put it in as a placeholder while working on that functionality. I think it would be better to generate these pages to /entities/ or maybe /types/...

bpow commented 6 years ago

I just noticed that @larrybabb has also started generating ValueSet pages there, as well. Maybe those should go in /terminology/?

larrybabb commented 6 years ago

I changed the folder "terminology" to "terminologies" and I simply generated the stub value set pages in the "generated" folder, which I presumed was a big holding bin for all generated stuff.

bpow commented 6 years ago

I think "holding bin" is accurate, but just intended that way until we made the move away from having all of the markdown for these definitions/usages in the repo. Now that you've done that, I think we can put the generated docs somewhere that makes more sense (and does not expose the "implementation" of the fact that they are generated through a different process).

For now, (in 8386999), I've moved them to /entities/ and /terminologies/.

bpow commented 6 years ago

I'm considering this done, unless people want these to go elsewhere.