clingen-data-model / clinvar-ingest-reports

ClinGen generates several google sheet based reports from the ClinVar ingested data that originates from the Broad BigQuery data.
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Establish BQ client scripting for all external tables in ClinVar Report BQ Support Tables sheet. #70

Open larrybabb opened 7 months ago

larrybabb commented 7 months ago

A precursor to getting all the artifacts related to the clinvar google sheets is to first define the bq client scripting steps needed to maintain and create external tables from google sheets.

For example in the ClinVar Report BQ Support Tables sheet, almost every tab is used to back and external table in the clingen-stage.clinvar_curator dataset. These tables are essential to the weekly processing of clinvar datatsets.

Once we have a good process for how to script, change, commit, run, then we should get all the external tables for this sheet into this github repo and versioned.

NOTE: we will also need the means to backup and restore the sheet itself so it does not get corrupted over time. This should be a separate but related ticket. They can be done independently, but the entire process makes the most sense when they are combined to work interchangeably (i.e. modify a column in the sheet or add a new tab/table, and auto run the google-sheet external table replacement/creation script).

larrybabb commented 7 months ago

Some hints....

>gcloud auth login --enable-gdrive-access

>gcloud config set project clingen-stage

if you want to use the autodetect feature with a google sheet to generate an external table definition you can try with the following (see here)

>bq mkdef \
   --autodetect \
   --source_format=GOOGLE_SHEETS \
"\#gid\=2067576827" > report_submitters.def

but if you want to point to a range other than the first sheet you will need to open the file and add the range

>more report_submitters.def
  "autodetect": true,
  "sourceFormat": "GOOGLE_SHEETS",
  "sourceUris": [
  "range": "'Report Submitter List'!A:G"

A word of caution...if using the autodetect: true please reference the data type conversion and naming rules (headings or no headings) here.

bq mk \
--external_table_definition=report_submitters.def \

this will create a table called report_submitter in the clingen-stage.clinvar_curator dataset based on the google sheet link and range from the report_submitters.def file definition.

What's the best approach to managing the updates to external tables built on google sheets?

I think there are 2 reasonable options

  1. Use autodetect and treat the google sheet range as the source of truth for the column names and data types.
    1. OK. but can be unreliable and finicky especially if others begin editing the sheet column names or entering data that is not correct for the data type in that column. Debugging could be harder as unexpected results can occur.
  2. Do NOT use autodetect and explicitly list the schema in the table definition file, making it the source of truth.
    1. Better. having the table definition file contain the explicit schema is much more transparent for controlling the outcome. Failures on updates or creates will likely lie with the google sheet range itself which should be much easier to debug than figuring out why certain columns got misnamed or mistyped.
    2. NOTE: The additional issue here is that coordinating the change in both the sheet and the table definition have to be done independently. I suppose a script could be created to read the google sheet and produce the updated schema (but I digress).