clingen-data-model / data-exchange-topics

For issue tracking and managing configurations of kafka topics in the dx
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clinvar-scv-test: GA4GH standard ClinVar SCV sample set for trial and testing #40

Closed larrybabb closed 1 year ago

larrybabb commented 1 year ago

Topic Producer/Developer Contact Details

Producer API Key

B/G APi key for stage cluster

Topic Consumer/User Information

LDH needs this in staging cluster to begin dev and testing

Topic Name (suggested)


Topic Description

Dev topic loaded with clinvar variations followed by SCVs for GK-Pilot dataset released at 10th GA4GH plenary. This is a subset of SCVs and variations from the 9/3/2022 clinvar release. See for the source of records planned for this topic.

Number of partitions

1 (recommended)

Message Persistence

Indefinitely (yes)

Can the data in this topic be shared publicly?

sure, but not necessary

Which clusters should this topic be created on?

Do you want to have the topic backed up to GCS?

larrybabb commented 1 year ago

@theferrit32 please put this on the staging cluster since it's a topic that may be used by multiple groups for testing.

theferrit32 commented 1 year ago

@larrybabb done. clinvar-scv-test is on stage with the VariationDescriptors followed by the 3 types of Statements. Baylor staging service account has been given access.