clingen-data-model / genegraph

Presents an RDF triplestore of gene information using GraphQL APIs
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Need ACI condition name added to actionability_assertions #548

Closed KelseaChang5 closed 2 years ago

KelseaChang5 commented 2 years ago

Website request (CGWM-389) - ClinGen Website JIRA Board ticket link

Description There is currently one, and eventually will be other, cases where multiple report pairs are associated with the same gene-mondo ID. The only thing that really differentiates the multiple pairs is what the ACI adds as the condition name. This name does not necessarily match MONDO’s name

Unfortunately, actionability_assertions() does not allow adding the disease{} construct. So what we need is for genegraph to store actionability’s condition name for each assertion, and make it available via graphql. For example:

genetic_conditions { disease { curie label }

 actionability_assertions {

     disease {



      attributed_to {
     classification {



larrybabb commented 2 years ago

@tnavatar & @toneillbroad Phil is stating this is somewhat of a high priority. Can one of you triage this to see what would be involved and determine if this is a small, medium or large effort? If its simple it would be great to get it done as soon as possible. However, if it is a bigger deal I can provide push back to determine how important this really is in comparison to other priorities.

tnavatar commented 2 years ago

Including context from a slack conversation that is not provided above, via Charisma:

Good morning... or afternoon! We have two familial hypercholesterolemia topics (a total of 4 reports since each topic has an adult and peds report): Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (AC065) and Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (AC057). All reports have the same genes (APOB, LDLR, PCSK9). The website is only showing the reports related to the Homozygous/AC065 reports.

12:45 Can we also have the heterozygous reports displayed? I feeling certain that they used to be on the website... not sure if that's helpful to know. 12:46 The het report is associated with the Mondo IDs listed on the table below:

tnavatar commented 2 years ago

Observations on this so far:

tnavatar commented 2 years ago

It appears that there are some issues with Phil's request once evaluated against the issue being reported by the stakeholder. I will plan to touch base with Charisma to discuss possible solutions.

tnavatar commented 2 years ago

Phil claims he can work with the report label to address the immediate stakeholder concern. Its certainly no trouble to offer this; have submitted a PR to this effect. Have suggested to stakeholders that including the MOI with the curation and normalizing against HPO terms would help in cases like this. If and when they do, we will have another task to ingest this.