clintbellanger / flare

Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add CombatText to potions and tweak some colors/text #930

Closed dorkster closed 11 years ago

dorkster commented 11 years ago

Closes #926

Along with the potions' text, I added some text to the buff messages for Heal and Shield. Since we use only one color for buffs, I think it's important that we distinguish what's being buffed.

Secondly, I changed some of the colors. The old buff color matched the Heal animation too much, so it looked odd when using Shield. I've opted for a more blue, less saturated, minty color here. I've also separated the damage colors for giving (white) and taking (red) damage. When all damage was white, it was hard to tell who's damage was who's. As a result, I've made the previously red "miss" text grey, which I think is a more common color to convey misses.

clintbellanger commented 11 years ago

Side note, I consolidated some of those colors intentionally. I prefer all beneficial effects to show as green and negative effects to show as red, rather than each effect getting its own color.