clinthuffman / PAL

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool
MIT License
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The property 'CounterObject' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists. #36

Open khalednsair opened 5 years ago

khalednsair commented 5 years ago

Overall progress... Status: Generating analysis counters, PAL 2.8.1 Progress: 71%... Generating analysis counters, SQLServer:Access Methods Forwarded Records/sec

An error occurred on... $sSqlInstanceNameForSQLServerAccessMethodsForwardedRecordssec = ExtractSqlNamedInstanceFromCounterObjectPath -sCounterObjectPath $htVariables["CollectionOfSQLServerAccessMethodsForwardedRecordssec"][$a].CounterObject At line:5 char:13 + $sSqlInstanceNameForSQLServerAccessMethodsForwardedRecordssec = Extr ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The property 'CounterObject' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists.

SCRIPT ARGUMENTS: Log: C:\TEMP\PALCapture\PAL_Microsoft_SQL_Server_2012.blg ThresholdFile: C:\Program Files\PAL\PAL\SQLServer2012.xml AnalysisInterval: AUTO IsOutputHtml: $True IsOutputXml: $False HtmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]_PALANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].htm XmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]_PALANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].xml OutputDir: [My Documents]\PAL Reports AllCounterStats: $False NumberOfThreads: 4 IsLowPriority: $False DisplayReport: True

clinthuffman commented 5 years ago

Can you send me the counter log PAL_Microsoft_SQL_Server_2012.blg? Upload to