clinthuffman / PAL

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool
MIT License
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.NET CLR Exceptions # of Exceps Thrown / sec - "Cannot convert value "0.05" to type "System.Char". Error: "Invalid cast from 'Double' to 'Char'."" #65

Open philcarbone opened 3 years ago

philcarbone commented 3 years ago

Overall progress... Status: Applying thresholds, PAL 2.8.2 Progress: 82%... Applying thresholds, .NET CLR Exceptions # of Exceps Thrown / sec

An error occurred on... If ($oCounterInstance.QuantizedMax[$t] -gt ($RPSMax 0.05)) At line:20 char:8 + ... If ($oCounterInstance.QuantizedMax[$t] -gt ($RPSMax 0.05)) + ~~~~~~~~~~~ Could not compare "0" to "0.05". Error: "Cannot convert value "0.05" to type "System.Char". Error: "Invalid cast from 'Double' to 'Char'.""

SCRIPT ARGUMENTS: Log: [REDACTED]\PerfCounters\Staging\20210209-063750_EC2AMAZ-VVQMIMG_Counter-ProcessorTimeGt90\PalCollector.blg ThresholdFile: [REDACTED]\AppData\Local\Temp\PalAutoDetectThresholdFile_c5b85a0d-89bb-4aef-8fe7-a16b93b29523.xml AnalysisInterval: AUTO IsOutputHtml: $True IsOutputXml: $False HtmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]_PALANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].htm XmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]_PALANALYSIS[DateTimeStamp].xml OutputDir: [My Documents]\PAL Reports AllCounterStats: $False NumberOfThreads: 12 IsLowPriority: $True DisplayReport: True