clinthuffman / PAL

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool
MIT License
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fix for multiple blg result in [MergeConvertFilterPerfmonLogs] ERROR: Unable to find the converted log file #67

Open Ragnar157 opened 3 years ago

Ragnar157 commented 3 years ago


this seems like a quoting issue on my machines and i was able to fix it.

FIX: removing the extra Quotes around all the FileNames

Function MergeConvertFilterPerfmonLogs
$sCommand = $('relog.exe ' + "$sTemp" + ' -f csv -o ' + "`"$($global:oPal.RelogedLogFilePath)`"")
#OLD: $sCommand = $('relog.exe ' + "`"$sTemp`"" + ' -f csv -o ' + "`"$($global:oPal.RelogedLogFilePath)`"")

At least for relog.exe 10.0.14393.0 on Server 2016 and 10.0.19041.546 on Win10 that solved it


[MergeConvertFilterPerfmonLogs] ERROR: Unable to find the converted log file: C:\Users\THORST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\54f9a5ce-d8a9-4064-ae33-7c00c000f271_FilteredPerfmonLog.csv. Relog.exe failed to process the log.... SCRIPT ARGUMENTS: Log: D:_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210318.blg;D:_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210319.blg

Finding the solution: running it manually with the command from the "Queue" window i noticed that the files were enclosed by " resulting in double "" at the start and end.

relog.exe ""D:\_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210318.blg" "D:\_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210319.blg"" -f csv -o "C:\Users\THORST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\9db2396c-a756-423a-b26f-26c1a25f0b7a\_FilteredPerfmonLog.csv"
     D:\_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210318.blg D:\_DATA\XY\20210322DCPerf\SD01101_DCPerf-20210319.blg

-> manually executing it results in the same error and removing the doule quotes fixed it

cheers Thorsten

lehuspohus commented 2 years ago

Also fixed it by removing even quotes around $sTemp variable: $sCommand = $('relog.exe ' + $sTemp + ' -f csv -o ' + ""$($global:oPal.RelogedLogFilePath)"") because quotes are already added while building this variable earlier.