clinthuffman / PAL

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool
MIT License
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XML Format - Usage and Real World Applications of This Feature #78

Open dgunkjr opened 2 years ago

dgunkjr commented 2 years ago

I've always looked at PAL reports via the HTML. I've been curious about the XML output. I know XML can be used to import into other applications, but when I look at the PAL output, I'm not sure into what application, or how importing it would give me a better analysis than the HTML.

Anyone willing to provide guidance?! Much appreciated.


jeffstokes72 commented 2 years ago

I've personally always been curious what they could be used for, as well.

clinthuffman commented 2 years ago

Hey Donnie, For a time (or maybe still happening), some product teams and customers integrated PAL into their own tools and work flows and wanted to use their own reporting tools to display the data. PAL actually uses the XML structure to build the HTML document, so it was an easy feature to add.

dgunkjr commented 2 years ago

Can anyone share what tools they have imported the XML data into to produce additional analysis? I'm always game for learning new things.