clinthuffman / PAL

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool
MIT License
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Unable to find the converted log file...Relog.exe failed to process the log. #83

Open tormung83 opened 1 year ago

tormung83 commented 1 year ago

While converting the blg file captured on a Windows Server 2016, I'm getting the following error:

Overall progress... Status: Preparing counter log(s), PAL 2.8.2 Progress: 24%... Preparing counter log(s),

[MergeConvertFilterPerfmonLogs] ERROR: Unable to find the converted log file: C:\Users\gutorre\AppData\Local\Temp\d9a56d1f-cff7-41a3-aaf9-9fa9eea530ed_FilteredPerfmonLog.csv. Relog.exe failed to process the log. Review the results above this line. If relog.exe continues to fail, then try running Relog.exe manually and/or contact Microsoft Customer Support Servers for support on Relog.exe only. PAL is not supported by Microsoft.


Log: C:\Users\gutorre\CaseBuddy.CaseData\2305110040010966_Mark\2023-05-12\1secinterval_ANOIWNPADC00001_05120633\1secinterval_05120633.blg
ThresholdFile: C:\Program Files\PAL\PAL\SystemOverview.xml
AnalysisInterval: AUTO
IsOutputHtml: $True
IsOutputXml: $False
HtmlOutputFileName: ANOIWNPADC00001_PAL_ANALYSIS_5-12-2023.htm
XmlOutputFileName: [LogFileName]_PAL_ANALYSIS_[DateTimeStamp].xml
OutputDir: [My Documents]\PAL Reports
AllCounterStats: $False
NumberOfThreads: 16
IsLowPriority: $True
DisplayReport: True
clinthuffman commented 1 year ago

PAL is not able to convert the BLG (binary) log to a text file (CSV). There can be a lot of reasons for this, but first try using a Log file path that is shorter, that doesn't have any spaces in it, and that doesn't have special characters such as the period and dashes. Another thing you could try is to manually convert the BLG file into a CSV file using the command line tool, Relog.exe, and then, retry PAL pointed to the CSV file. Example: relog.exe logfile.blg -f csv -o logfile.csv. Also, try opening the log file in Perfmon.exe to see if the file is corrupted. Perfmon log file corruption typically happens if the log file was copied/moved while the Data Collector was still writing to it. Be sure to stop the Data Collector before copying/moving the log (BLG) file to prevent corruption. If this was the case, then there is nothing that can be done other than to collect another counter log.