Closed TRaSH- closed 10 years ago
Looks like you are close...
Just check autoProcessMedia.cfg [SickBeard] settings.. First, the sbCategory must be TV
sbCategory = TV
Note that tv and TV are different... These are case sensitive. So whatever the label is in uTorrent, must match the category in autoProcessMedia.cfg.
i changed it to capitol letters like the label. then did a recheck of the torrent i had waiting in utorrent so it would restart the script. but it still looks like it's stuck.
autoProcessMedia.cfg: [SickBeard]
sbCategory = TV host = port = 8081 username = password =
web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = fork = Pistachitos delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1
[uTorrent log:] 05:25:24|INFO TorrentToMedia V9.2 05:25:24|INFO MAIN: Loading config from C:\nzbToMedia\autoProcessMedia.cfg 05:25:24|DEBUG arg 0 is: C:\nzbToMedia\ 05:25:24|DEBUG arg 1 is: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] 05:25:24|DEBUG arg 2 is: Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] 05:25:24|DEBUG arg 3 is: TV 05:25:24|DEBUG arg 4 is: CA974C8C497536702663199B0AF7FE3031C6576B 05:25:24|DEBUG MAIN: Received Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] | Category: TV 05:25:24|INFO SEARCH: Files appear to be in their own directory 05:25:24|DEBUG MAIN: Determined Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] | Category: TV 05:25:24|INFO MAIN: Download is a directory 05:25:24|INFO MAIN: Output directory set to: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD] 05:25:24|INFO MAIN: No processing to be done for category: TV. Exiting 05:25:24|INFO MAIN: All done.
Settings -> Post Processing -> Post Processing
TV Download Dir = blank Rename Episodes = must be ticked.
Scan and Process = must be unticked.
Config -> Search Settings -> Search Torrents (if using torrents)
Torrent Black Hole = Enter your Torrent downloader's BlackHole Directory + tv sub directory
Ok, can you post your entire autoProcessMedia.cfg, obviously without user/pass etc. I can't see how this combination is happening, so need to see a few of the other settings etc.
For Sickteard, if you don't have rename episodes enabled, then Sickfeard will not postprocess the files and move them over to your library location and keep track of your tv library.
Don't worry about blackhole... Your version of SickBeard has complete torrent support..
cpsCategory = movie apikey = host = localhost port = 5050
ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65 method = renamer delete_failed = 0 wait_for = 5
remoteCPS = 0
sbCategory = TV host = port = 8081 username = password =
web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = fork = Pistachitos delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1
hpCategory = music apikey = host = localhost port = 8181
ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65
mlCategory = comics host = localhost port= 8090 username= password=
web_root= ssl=0 watch_dir =
gzCategory = games apikey = host = localhost port = 8085
ssl = 0 web_root =
clientAgent = utorrent
useLink = hard
outputDirectory = D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\
categories = music_videos,pictures,software,manual
noFlatten = pictures,manual
uTorrentWEBui = uTorrentUSR = ** uTorrentPWD = *****
TransmissionHost = localhost TransmissionPort = 8084 TransmissionUSR = your username TransmissionPWD = your password
DelugeHost = localhost DelugePort = 58846 DelugeUSR = your username DelugePWD = your password
deleteOriginal = 0
[Extensions] compressedExtensions = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gz,.bz,.tar,.arj,.1,.01,.001 mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg,.vob,.iso,.m4v metaExtensions = .nfo,.sub,.srt,.jpg,.gif
minSampleSize = 200
SampleIDs = sample,-s.
[Transcoder] transcode = 0
duplicate = 1
niceness = 0 ignoreExtensions = .avi,.mkv outputVideoExtension = .mp4 outputVideoCodec = libx264 outputVideoPreset = medium outputVideoFramerate = 24 outputVideoBitrate = 800k outputAudioCodec = libmp3lame outputAudioBitrate = 128k outputSubtitleCodec =
outputFastStart = 0
outputQualityPercent = 0
wake = 0 host = port = 80 mac = 00:01:2e:2D:64:e1
user_script_categories = NONE
user_script_mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg
user_script_path = /media/test/script/
user_script_param = FN
user_script_runOnce = 0
user_script_successCodes = 0
user_script_clean = 1 delay = 120
convert = 0
PassWordFile =
[loggers] keys = root
[handlers] keys = console
[formatters] keys = generic
[logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console qualname =
[handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stdout,) level = INFO formatter = generic
[formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s|%(levelname)-7.7s %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S
can you make a slight edit to at line 85, add another line...
if not inputCategory in processOnly:"MAIN: No processing to be done for category: %s. Exiting", inputCategory)"MAIN: All done.")
if not inputCategory in processOnly:"MAIN: No processing to be done for category: %s. Exiting", inputCategory)"MAIN: process categories are: %s.", processOnly)"MAIN: All done.")
Then re-run and post the logs here.
weird it didn't make a logfile this time even that uTorrent says: [2014-03-08 17:58:40] Executing: C:\nzbToMedia\ "D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD]" "Serie.S02E09.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS [PublicHD]" "TV" "CA974C8C497536702663199B0AF7FE3031C6576B"
need to recheck why seems with the edit i broke something, when i replace it with the original it creates a logfile.
When you edited the file, you needed to make sure the new line lines up with the line above and below... I.e 8 spaces (4 spaces for each indent).
Also, if you edited this in notepad, this would cause major issues... If you did, you will need to run dos2unix on the file...
cd nzbToMedia
i just added a screenshot, i'm using notepad++
Ah.... Stupid me.... You're on Windows... Notepad++ is fine.
If you just try running this script manually (from command line)
C:\path\to\python.exe C:\nzbToMedia\
This should allow you to see a trace back.
well seems notepad++ did something weird with it, or i made a mistake. i edited it with pythonwin and there where some weird things in the script that was added. removed those and it worked. had some issue that the script didn't want to run after a recheck. so i told it to run with status changed so the script sort of got hammered but it worked. it only deleted the file and didn't copy it. but i think that's a issue with the move setting i use with sickbeard. going to give another file a retry, and report back
seems that did the trick, here the logs seems i need to change the sickbeard settings to copy and not to move, because it moves the file before it's ready with seeding
uTorrent Log: [2014-03-08 19:21:18] Moving files from 'D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Incomplete\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]' to 'D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]' [2014-03-08 19:21:18] Executing: C:\nzbToMedia\ "D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]" "Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]" "TV" "BF38F08B44D5BCDA7C2A2CCDABBD57938EC72A16" [2014-03-08 19:21:55] Error: Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] - Files missing from job. Please recheck.
postprocessing log: 19:21:19|INFO ==================== 19:21:19|INFO TorrentToMedia V9.2 19:21:19|INFO MAIN: Loading config from C:\nzbToMedia\autoProcessMedia.cfg 19:21:19|DEBUG arg 0 is: C:\nzbToMedia\ 19:21:19|DEBUG arg 1 is: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:19|DEBUG arg 2 is: Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:19|DEBUG arg 3 is: TV 19:21:19|DEBUG arg 4 is: BF38F08B44D5BCDA7C2A2CCDABBD57938EC72A16 19:21:19|DEBUG MAIN: Received Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] | Category: TV 19:21:19|INFO SEARCH: Files appear to be in their own directory 19:21:19|DEBUG MAIN: Determined Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] | Category: TV 19:21:19|INFO MAIN: Download is a directory 19:21:19|INFO MAIN: Output directory set to: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:19|DEBUG MAIN: Connecting to utorrent: 19:21:19|DEBUG MAIN: Stoping torrent Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] in utorrent while processing 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Scanning files in directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Found 2 files in D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Setting outputDestination to D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\ to preserve folder structure 19:21:24|INFO MAIN: Found file .txt in D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Downloaded From PublicHD.SE.txt 19:21:24|INFO COPYLINK: target file already exists. Nothing to be done 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Setting outputDestination to D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\ to preserve folder structure 19:21:24|INFO MAIN: Found file .mkv in D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv 19:21:24|INFO COPYLINK: target file already exists. Nothing to be done 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Found and linked 2 files 19:21:24|DEBUG MAIN: Calling autoProcess script for successful download. 19:21:24|INFO MAIN: Calling Sick-Beard to post-process: Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:24|INFO Loading config from C:\nzbToMedia\autoProcessMedia.cfg 19:21:24|INFO The download succeeded. Sending process request to SickBeard's Pistachitos branch 19:21:24|INFO Waiting for 0.0 seconds to allow SB to process newly extracted files 19:21:25|DEBUG Opening URL: 19:21:55|INFO Processing folder D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:55|INFO TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR: 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing Path: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing Dirs: [u'Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]'] 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing Files: [] 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing VideoFiles: [] 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing RarContent: [] 19:21:55|INFO PostProcessing VideoInRar: [] 19:21:55|INFO Processing folder Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:55|INFO Processing D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv (Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]) 19:21:55|INFO Parsed Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] into The Red Road - S1E1 - Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] [ABD: False] 19:21:55|INFO Checking scene exceptions for a match on The Red Road 19:21:55|INFO Looking up The Red Road in the DB 19:21:55|INFO Lookup successful, using tvdb id 274869 19:21:55|INFO Loading show object for tvdb_id 274869 19:21:55|INFO Retrieving episode object for 1x1 19:21:55|INFO The old status had a quality in it, using that: 720p WEB-DL 19:21:55|INFO SB snatched this episode so I'm marking it as priority 19:21:55|INFO Is ep a priority download: True 19:21:55|INFO There is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it 19:21:55|INFO This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one 19:21:55|INFO Destination folder for this episode: I:\ServerFolders\TV\The Red Road\Season 01 19:21:55|INFO Moving file from D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv to I:\ServerFolders\TV\The Red Road\Season 01\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv 19:21:55|INFO Processing succeeded for D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv 19:21:55|INFO Deleting file Downloaded From PublicHD.SE.txt 19:21:55|INFO Changing ReadOnly Flag for file Downloaded From PublicHD.SE.txt 19:21:55|INFO Deleting folder D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] 19:21:55|DEBUG MAIN: Starting torrent Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD] in utorrent 19:22:00|INFO MAIN: All done.
sickbeard log: 2014-03-08 19:21:55 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Processing succeeded for D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv 2014-03-08 19:21:38 ERROR CP Server Thread-13 :: Failed to detect XBMC version for '', check configuration and try again. 2014-03-08 19:21:38 WARNING CP Server Thread-13 :: Warning: Couldn't contact XBMC HTTP at [Errno 10061] Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd 2014-03-08 19:21:37 WARNING CP Server Thread-13 :: Error while trying to retrieve XBMC API version for [Errno 10061] Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd 2014-03-08 19:21:36 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Sending request to update library for XBMC host: '' 2014-03-08 19:21:33 ERROR CP Server Thread-13 :: Failed to detect XBMC version for '', check configuration and try again. 2014-03-08 19:21:33 WARNING CP Server Thread-13 :: Warning: Couldn't contact XBMC HTTP at [Errno 10061] Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd 2014-03-08 19:21:32 WARNING CP Server Thread-13 :: Error while trying to retrieve XBMC API version for [Errno 10061] Kan geen verbinding maken omdat de doelcomputer de verbinding actief heeft geweigerd 2014-03-08 19:21:31 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Sending XBMC notification to '' - The Red Road - 1x01 - Arise My Love, Shake Off This Dream - 720p WEB-DL 2014-03-08 19:21:25 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Using nzb_name for release name. 2014-03-08 19:21:25 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Analyzing name u'Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]' 2014-03-08 19:21:25 INFO CP Server Thread-13 :: Processing D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD]\Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb.mkv (Serie.S01E01.Title.720p.WEB-DL.H.264.DD5.1-NTb [PublicHD])
I believe this is all working correctly... closing now, but let me know if you have any issues.
i'm new to nzbToMedia, setted it up and tried to follow the wiki steps. but it looks like it doesn't want to send the download from uTorrent to sickbeard. (using latest uTorrent)
My autoProcessMedia.cfg looks like this: [Torrent]
clientAgent - Supported clients: utorrent, transmission, deluge, rtorrent, other
clientAgent = utorrent
useLink - Set to hard for physical links, sym for symbolic links, move to move, and no to not use links (copy)
useLink = hard
outputDirectory - Default output directory (categories will be appended as sub directory to outputDirectory)
outputDirectory = D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\
Other categories/labels defined for your downloader. Does not include CouchPotato, SickBeard, HeadPhones, Mylar categories.
categories = music_videos,pictures,software,manual
A list of categories that you don't want to be flattened (i.e preserve the directory structure when copying/linking.
noFlatten = pictures,manual
uTorrent Hardlink solution (You must edit this if your using with uTorrent)
uTorrentWEBui = uTorrentUSR = uTorrentPWD =
uTorrent settings C:\nzbToMedia\ "%D" "%N" "%L" "%I"
uTorrent log: [2014-03-07 21:37:20] Moving files from 'D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Incomplete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD]' to 'D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD]' [2014-03-07 21:37:20] Executing: C:\nzbToMedia\ "D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD]" "Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD]" "TV" "AA1D1D5B0EC7E8195E4A625F050685A1B0684BBC"
postprocess.log 21:36:58|INFO ==================== 21:36:58|INFO TorrentToMedia V9.2 21:36:58|INFO MAIN: Loading config from C:\nzbToMedia\autoProcessMedia.cfg 21:36:58|DEBUG arg 0 is: C:\nzbToMedia\ 21:36:58|DEBUG arg 1 is: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] 21:36:58|DEBUG arg 2 is: Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] 21:36:58|DEBUG arg 3 is: TV 21:36:58|DEBUG arg 4 is: AA1D1D5B0EC7E8195E4A625F050685A1B0684BBC 21:36:58|DEBUG MAIN: Received Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] | Category: TV 21:36:58|INFO SEARCH: Files appear to be in their own directory 21:36:58|DEBUG MAIN: Determined Directory: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] | Name: Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] | Category: TV 21:36:58|INFO MAIN: Download is a directory 21:36:58|INFO MAIN: Output directory set to: D:\ServerFolders\Torrents-Complete\TV\Serie.S02E02.Title.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-CtrlHD [PublicHD] 21:36:58|INFO MAIN: No processing to be done for category: TV. Exiting 21:36:58|INFO MAIN: All done.
hope you're able to help me