clinton-hall / nzbToMedia

Provides NZB and Torrent postprocessing To CouchPotatoServer, SickBeard/SickRage, HeadPhones, Mylar and Gamez
GNU General Public License v3.0
671 stars 176 forks source link

Question Multiple Sickbeard installs #286

Closed hazell20 closed 10 years ago

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

Hi guys i have been have a few issues getting the script to work with my muiltiple sickbeard installs can i plase get some help with my config file

[CouchPotato] cpsCategory = movie apikey = host = localhost port = 5050 ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65 method = renamer delete_failed = 0 wait_for = 2 remoteCPS = 0

[SickBeard] sbCategory = tv,Brick [tv] host = port = 8080 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/tv failed_fork = 0 delete_failed = 0 [Brick] host = port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/Brick failed_fork = 0 delete_failed = 0

[HeadPhones] hpCategory = music apikey = host = localhost port = 8181 ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65

[Mylar] mlCategory = comics host = localhost port = 8090 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 watch_dir =

[Gamez] gzCategory = games apikey = host = localhost port = 8085 ssl = 0 web_root =

[Torrent] clientAgent = rtorrent useLink = no outputDirectory = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete categories = music_videos,pictures,software uTorrentWEBui = http://localhost:8090/gui/ uTorrentUSR = your username uTorrentPWD = your password TransmissionHost = localhost TransmissionPort = 8084 TransmissionUSR = your username TransmissionPWD = your password deleteOriginal = 0

[Extensions] compressedExtensions = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gz,.bz,.tar,.arj,.1,.01,.001 mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg,.vob,.iso,.m4v metaExtensions = .nfo,.sub,.srt,.jpg,.gif minSampleSize = 200

[Transcoder] transcode = 0 duplicate = 1 niceness = 0 ignoreExtensions = .avi,.mkv outputVideoExtension = .mp4 outputVideoCodec = libx264 outputVideoPreset = medium outputVideoFramerate = 24 outputVideoBitrate = 800k outputAudioCodec = libmp3lame outputAudioBitrate = 128k outputSubtitleCodec =

[WakeOnLan] wake = 0 host = port = 80 mac = 00:01:2e:2D:64:e1

[loggers] keys = root

[handlers] keys = console

[formatters] keys = generic

[logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console qualname =

[handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stdout,) level = INFO formatter = generic

[formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s|%(levelname)-7.7s %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S

thanks in advance

Regards rhys

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Use the below settings for your two branches, but also make sure you set the "fork" for each one if these do not use standard settings...

let me know what 2 forks you are using if you need help with this.

[tv] host = port = 8080 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/tv fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1 [Brick] host = port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/Brick fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

the tv one is pirate bay edition and the brick one is brickys edition

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

Hi Clinton thanks for the help with the config but i dont think that is working

my postprocessing log

17:25:15|INFO ==================== 17:25:15|INFO TorrentToMedia V9.2 17:25:15|INFO MAIN: Loading config from /home/rhys/nzbtomedia/autoProcessMedia.cfg

i changed the tv fork to TPB and left Bricky on default. that was testing on the tv (TPB)

Reagrds Rhys

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

the two fork values look correct...

I think the issue here is that you have an old autoProcessMedia.cfg that is missing several (for you probably unused) keys that aren't found.

Can you download the latest autoProcessMedia.cfg.sample file and put that in /home/rhys/nzbtomedia/autoProcessMedia.cfg.sample

This should keep all your existing settings, but will add default values for anything that doesn't exist at run time.

Hopefully that gets you closer...

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

Hi Clinton when there is autoprocessmedia.cfg and autoprocessmedia.cfg.sample script does not launch properly i might try and edit the latest version

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Doesn't launch properly? This suggests an issue with the migrate script... Possibly user permissions preventing writing/renaming the .cfg files.

Can you confirm the owner and permissions of both files are the same, and that the user which calls the scripts is the same?

If you have the .cfg and .cfg.sample, then manually execute the .sample should disappear, a .old should be created and the new .cfg should be in the correct format...

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

hi clinton i got it to create the .old but it still dont like the config this is what i got when i manually execute

18:43:14|INFO ==================== 18:43:14|INFO nzbToSickBeard V9.2 18:43:14|INFO MAIN: Running autoProcessTV as a manual run... 18:43:14|INFO Loading config from autoProcessMedia.cfg Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 231, in result = autoProcessTV.processEpisode('Manual Run', 'Manual Run', 0) File "/home/rhys/nzbtomedia/autoProcess/", line 62, in processEpisode host = config.get(section, "host") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 618, in get raise NoOptionError(option, section) ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'host' in section: 'SickBeard'

so im guessing it dont like the brackets as thats were the host would normally be

Regards' Rhys

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

ah... can't believe I missed it...

you need a blank line between each section.. so after sickbeard, have a space before [tv] and before [Brick]

sbCategory = tv,Brick

host =
port = 8080
Torrent_ForceLink = 1

host =
hazell20 commented 10 years ago

Hi Clinton

Tryed that as well

got this

20:54:23|INFO ==================== 20:54:23|INFO nzbToSickBeard V9.2 20:54:23|INFO MAIN: Running autoProcessTV as a manual run... 20:54:23|INFO Loading config from autoProcessMedia.cfg Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 231, in result = autoProcessTV.processEpisode('Manual Run', 'Manual Run', 0) File "/home/rhys/nzbtomedia/autoProcess/", line 62, in processEpisode host = config.get(section, "host") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 618, in get raise NoOptionError(option, section) ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'host' in section: 'SickBeard'

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

this is what config looks like at the moment

[CouchPotato] cpsCategory = movie apikey = host = localhost port = 5050 ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65 method = renamer delete_failed = 0 wait_for = 2 remoteCPS = 0

[SickBeard] sbCategory = tv,Brick

[tv] host = localhost port = 8080 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = fork = TBP delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

[Brick] host = localhost port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

[HeadPhones] hpCategory = music apikey = host = localhost port = 8181 ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65

[Mylar] mlCategory = comics host = localhost port = 8090 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 watch_dir =

[Gamez] gzCategory = games apikey = host = localhost port = 8085 ssl = 0 web_root =

[Torrent] clientAgent = other useLink = hard outputDirectory = /abs/path/to/complete/ categories = music_videos,pictures,software noFlatten = pictures,manual uTorrentWEBui = http://localhost:8090/gui/ uTorrentUSR = your username uTorrentPWD = your password TransmissionHost = localhost TransmissionPort = 8084 TransmissionUSR = your username TransmissionPWD = your password DelugeHost = localhost DelugePort = 58846 DelugeUSR = your username DelugePWD = your password deleteOriginal = 0

[Extensions] compressedExtensions = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gz,.bz,.tar,.arj,.1,.01,.001 mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg,.vob,.iso,.m4v metaExtensions = .nfo,.sub,.srt,.jpg,.gif minSampleSize = 200 SampleIDs = sample,-s.

[Transcoder] transcode = 0 duplicate = 1 niceness = 0 ignoreExtensions = .avi,.mkv outputVideoExtension = .mp4 outputVideoCodec = libx264 outputVideoPreset = medium outputVideoFramerate = 24 outputVideoBitrate = 800k outputAudioCodec = libmp3lame outputAudioBitrate = 128k outputSubtitleCodec = outputFastStart = 0 outputQualityPercent = 0

[WakeOnLan] wake = 0 host = port = 80 mac = 00:01:2e:2D:64:e1

[UserScript] user_script_categories = NONE user_script_mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg user_script_path = /media/test/script/ user_script_param = FN user_script_runOnce = 0 user_script_successCodes = 0 user_script_clean = 1 delay = 120

[ASCII] convert = 0

[passwords] PassWordFile =

[loggers] keys = root

[handlers] keys = console

[formatters] keys = generic

[logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console qualname =

[handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stdout,) level = INFO formatter = generic

[formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s|%(levelname)-7.7s %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S

[tv] host = port = 8080 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/tv fork = TPB delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

[Brick] host = port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = /home/rhys/Downloads/torrents/complete/Brick fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

just noticed the sickbeard settings again going to try it now

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

hmmmm... I see where the error is... my bad...

I'll try and fix shortly.

for now add the following to the [SickBeard] settings

fork = default
Torrent_ForceLink = 1
hazell20 commented 10 years ago

add that to main or both

and thanks for the help you have been big help

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

to the main [SickBeard] section.

both of these are referenced by TorrentToMedia to determine where to pass to SickBeard etc. I will have these modified to call the appropriate categorysection, not [SickBeard], but this requires more work than I have time for right now...

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

hi Clinton that did not work. so i will swap back to 2 torrent clients for the moment. till you get some time to make the changes. thanks for your help
regards rhys

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

that didn't work :S

Can you post the postprocess.log details here? i need to see where it got to/failed...

vladtepz commented 10 years ago

FWIW, Clinton's temp workaround worked for me. Here is what I have.

[SickBeard] sbCategory = TV,TV-Kids fork = TPB Torrent_ForceLink = 1

[TV] host = localhost port = 8081 username = xxxxxxxxxx password = xxxxxxxxxx web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 1 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = D:\Downloads\complete\TV\Torrent fork = TPB delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

[TV-Kids] host = localhost port = 8082 username = xxxxxxxxxx password = xxxxxxxxxx web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 1 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = D:\Downloads\complete\TV-Kids fork = TPB delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

hazell20 commented 10 years ago

hey guys sorry been busy the last few days but i got it working for the moment so thanks for the help

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

With the new auto-fork detection, the fork should always be determined using the appropriate category config. The Torrent_ForceLink option has been replaced with Torrent_NoLink and this is defaulted to 0 if it doesn't exist... if one of your SickBeard Forks supports torrent actions and you do want SickBeard doing the linking instead of TorrentToMedia, then you should set Torrent_NoLink=1 in both [SickBeard] and your appropriate category section.

It would pay to confirm that your category config sections do match the new [SickBeard] template (autoProcessMedia.cfg.sample).

This all relates to the dev branch, or next push to Master.