clinton-hall / nzbToMedia

Provides NZB and Torrent postprocessing To CouchPotatoServer, SickBeard/SickRage, HeadPhones, Mylar and Gamez
GNU General Public License v3.0
671 stars 176 forks source link

Issue after update #306

Closed mgaulton closed 10 years ago

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

I git pulled latest earlier today and noted i was getting errors. Updated the config to the latest sample and was getting an error about no autoSickbeardfork module. git clone'd into a new directory, copied configuration over and still not working.

Getting the below and it may be a config issue but i started from scratch on a new file and just copy/pasted the entries over.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 293, in if config(SAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE): NameError: name 'config' is not defined


nzbToMedia Configuration

For more information, visit


autoProcessing for Movies

cpsCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with CPS

cpsCategory = movies apikey = xxx host = localhost port = 5050


ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65 TimePerGiB = 60 method = renamer delete_failed = 1 wait_for = 2

Set to 1 if CouchPotatoServer is running on a different server to your NZB client

remoteCPS = 0


autoProcessing for TV Series

sbCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with SB

sbCategory = tv,anime [tv] host = localhost port = 8091 username = user password = pwd


web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = /home/@send/TV fork = TPB delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1 process_method = [anime] host = localhost port = 8088 username = user password = pwd


web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = /home/@send/Anime fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1 process_method =


autoProcessing for Music

hpCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with HP

hpCategory = music apikey = xxx host = localhost port = 8181


ssl = 0 web_root = delay = 65 TimePerGiB = 60


autoProcessing for Comics

mlCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with Mylar

mlCategory = comics host = localhost port= 8090 username= user password= pwd


web_root= ssl=0 watch_dir =


autoProcessing for Games

gzCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with Gamez

gzCategory = games apikey = xxx host = localhost port = 8085


ssl = 0 web_root =


clientAgent - Supported clients: utorrent, transmission, deluge, rtorrent, other

clientAgent = utorrent

useLink - Set to hard for physical links, sym for symbolic links, move to move, and no to not use links (copy)

useLink = move

outputDirectory - Default output directory (categories will be appended as sub directory to outputDirectory)

outputDirectory = /mnt/G/@unsorted/@send/torrent/

Other categories/labels defined for your downloader. Does not include CouchPotato, SickBeard, HeadPhones, Mylar categories.

categories = music_videos,pictures,software,Movies,TV

A list of categories that you don't want to be flattened (i.e preserve the directory structure when copying/linking.

noFlatten = pictures,manual

uTorrent Hardlink solution (You must edit this if your using with uTorrent)

uTorrentWEBui = http://localhost:8087/gui/ uTorrentUSR = user uTorrentPWD = pwd

Transmission (You must edit this if your using with uTorrent)

TransmissionHost = localhost TransmissionPort = 8084 TransmissionUSR = your username TransmissionPWD = your password

Deluge (You must edit this if your using with deluge. Note that the host/port is for the deluge daemon, not the webui)

DelugeHost = localhost DelugePort = 58846 DelugeUSR = your username DelugePWD = your password


deleteOriginal = 1 forceClean = 0

[Extensions] compressedExtensions = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gz,.bz,.tar,.arj,.1,.01,.001 mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg,.vob,.iso,.m4v metaExtensions = .nfo,.sub,.srt,.jpg,.gif

minSampleSize - Minimum required size to consider a media file not a sample file (in MB, eg 200mb)

minSampleSize = 200

SampleIDs - a list of common sample identifiers. Use SizeOnly to ignore this and delete all media files less than minSampleSize

SampleIDs = sample,-s.

[Transcoder] transcode = 0

duplicate =1 will cretae a new file. =0 will replace the original

duplicate = 1

Only works on Linux. Highest priority is -20, lowest priority is 19.

niceness = 0 ignoreExtensions = .avi,.mkv outputVideoExtension = .mp4 outputVideoCodec = libx264 outputVideoPreset = medium outputVideoFramerate = 24 outputVideoBitrate = 800k outputAudioCodec = libmp3lame outputAudioBitrate = 128k outputSubtitleCodec =

outputFastStart. 1 will use -movflags + faststart. 0 will disable this from being used.

outputFastStart = 0

outputQualityPercent. used as -q:a value. 0 will disable this from being used.

outputQualityPercent = 0


set wake = 1 to send WOL broadcast to the mac and test the server (e.g. xbmc) the host and port specified.

wake = 0 host = port = 80 mac = 00:01:2e:2D:64:e1


Use user_script for uncategorized download?

Set the categories to use external script, comma separated.

Use "UNCAT" to process non-category downloads, and "ALL" for all. Set to "NONE" to disable external script.

user_script_categories = NONE

What extension do you want to process? Specify all the extension, or use "ALL" to process all files.

user_script_mediaExtensions = .mkv,.avi,.divx,.xvid,.mov,.wmv,.mp4,.mpg,.mpeg

Specify the path of the script

user_script_path = /media/test/script/

Specify the argument(s) passed to script, comma separated in order.

for example FP,FN,DN, TN, TL for file path (absolute file name with path), file name, absolute directory name (with path), Torrent Name, Torrent Label/Category.

So the result is /media/test/script/ FP FN DN TN TL. Add other arguments as needed eg -f, -r

user_script_param = FN

Set user_script_runOnce = 0 to run for each file, or 1 to only run once (presumably on teh entire directory).

user_script_runOnce = 0

Specify the successcodes returned by the user script as a comma separated list. Linux default is 0

user_script_successCodes = 0

Clean after? Note that delay function is used to prevent possible mistake :) Delay is intended as seconds

user_script_clean = 1 delay = 120


Set convert =1 if you want to convert any "foreign" characters to ASCII before passing to SB/CP etc. Default is disabled (0).

convert = 0


enter the full path to a text file containing passwords to be used for extraction attempts.

In the passwords file, every password should be on a new line

PassWordFile =

Logging configuration

[loggers] keys = root

[handlers] keys = console

[formatters] keys = generic

[logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console qualname =

[handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stdout,) level = INFO formatter = generic

[formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s|%(levelname)-7.7s %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S

echel0n commented 10 years ago

What version of python are you using ?

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Python 2.7.6

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:58 PM, echel0n wrote:

What version of python are you using ?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

echel0n commented 10 years ago

Ok working on this, just gotta check some code

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Ok, cool. This is the first time i've had an issue wiht an update, so i'm puzzled. Looking at the .py it references, its trying to migrate the config format by what its describing but not sure why config is unknown.

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Just did some tests here and still working at my end... python 2.7.3

What I did notice is that if there is no autoProcessMedia.cfg then this causes a crash in migrate

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 294, in <module>
  File "/volume1/Public/test/nzbToMedia3/autoProcess/", line 9, in migrate
    for option, value in configold.items(section) or config(MOVIE_CONFIG_FILE).items(section):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'items'

So We'll need to add a check that the CONFIG_FILE exists first, and if not, just load the configold = config(SAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE)

Note, this can happen when using NZBGet to do the config from WebUI.

But I haven't found any occurrence where config doesn't exist.

I'm not sure about using

from autoProcess.nzbToMediaUtil import *

and then in having

from nzbToMediaConfig import *

Perhaps nzbToMediaUtil can have issues trying to import something from the next directory up? what happens if we add

from nzbToMediaConfig import *

to the main routines (, etc...)?

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

hmm that's interesting, not using nzbget at all. and the file is definately there.

do you want me to try adding the code line to the procs?

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

So i added 'from nzbToMediaConfig import *' to only, just to test it. now getting

       Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 304, in nzbtomedia_configure_logging(LOG_FILE) File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcess/", line 24, in nzbtomedia_configure_logging logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(dirname, "autoProcessMedia.cfg")) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/", line 70, in fileConfig formatters = _create_formatters(cp) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/logging/", line 106, in _create_formatters flist = cp.get("formatters", "keys") File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 607, in get raise NoSectionError(section) ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'formatters'

I'm starting to wonder if it just doesn't like something in my config

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

it also appears to have clobbered my Sickbeard settings.

My multi sickbeard config was reset to default.

[SickBeard] sbCategory = tv,anime host = localhost port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 wait_for = 5 watch_dir = fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Checking the cfg, i do have a formatters [formatters] keys = generic

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

i pulled dev and noticed some changes this time where before it was telling me it was up to date. Testing shows its processing now, where before it would error out before it even wrote to the postprocess.log. I can only guess that for some reason, there were changes that weren't written to disk or something. Sorry for the hassle.

server5:/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV # git pull origin dev From

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

So i've done some more testing, everything seems to be working up to a point. It appears to have clobbered the Sickbeard config again, its back to default but still lists multiple categories. Is there a flag to disable this migration, it keeps reverting the config on me?

bCategory = tv,anime host = localhost port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = fork = auto delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_NoLink = 0 process_method =

This causes autodetect fork to fail, which results in "Failure to open URL" though if i paste the link into the browser manually, everything appears to attempt to process.

10:19:42|INFO nzbToMedia V9.3 10:19:42|INFO MAIN: Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 10:19:42|INFO MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 10:19:42|INFO MAIN: Calling Sick-Beard to post-process: Antiques.Roadshow.US.S17E26.HDTV.XviD-AFG.nzb 10:19:42|INFO Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 10:19:42|INFO Attempting to auto-detect SickBeard fork 10:19:42|INFO SickBeard fork auto-detection failed 10:19:42|INFO SickBeard fork set to default 10:19:42|INFO FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /home/@send/TV/Antiques Roadshow Us 10:19:42|INFO REMOVER: Removing empty folders in: /home/@send/TV/Antiques Roadshow Us 10:19:42|INFO The download succeeded. Sending process request to SickBeard's default branch 10:19:42|INFO Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 10:19:42|INFO Checking for files to be transcoded 10:19:42|INFO No need to transcode video type .avi 10:19:42|DEBUG Transcoding succeeded for files in /home/@send/TV/Antiques Roadshow Us 10:19:42|INFO Waiting for 0.0 seconds to allow SB to process newly extracted files 10:19:42|DEBUG Opening URL: http://localhost:8091/home/postprocess/processEpisode?nzbName=Antiques.Roadshow.US.S17E26.HDTV.XviD-AFG.nzb&dir=%2Fhome%2F%40send%2FTV%2FAntiques+Roadshow+Us&quiet=1 10:21:46|ERROR Unable to open URL Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcess/", line 212, in processEpisode urlObj = myOpener.openit(url) File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcess/", line 32, in openit raise IOError("Unable to open URL") IOError: Unable to open URL 10:21:46|INFO MAIN: A problem was reported in the autoProcess* script.

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

So the autoFork was using the [SickBeard] seaction. Now this should use the category section ([TV] or [anime] as appropriate).

The migrate will build the default [SickBeard] section... son't worry about that, as long as the categorie is listed in [SickBeard] sbCategory, and has its own section, this should work.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

hey Clinton, its still clobering the config. Can you check the syntax here, its reverting and leaving me with only [Sickbeard] section.

I copy and paste this config section from a backed up copy of the file. [SickBeard]

autoProcessing for TV Series

sbCategory - category that gets called for post-processing with SB

sbCategory = tv,anime [tv] host = localhost port = 8091 username = user password = pwd


web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = /home/@send/TV fork = TPB delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1 process_method = [anime] host = localhost port = 8088 username = user password = pwd


web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = /home/@send/Anime fork = default delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_ForceLink = 1 process_method =

That copied section becomes the below after the first postprocess cycle.

[SickBeard] sbCategory = tv,anime host = localhost port = 8081 username = password = web_root = ssl = 0 delay = 0 TimePerGiB = 60 watch_dir = fork = auto delete_failed = 0 nzbExtractionBy = Downloader Torrent_NoLink = 0 process_method =

logs are below. I reused a known good nzb and it resulted in the reset config.

22:07:38|INFO nzbToMedia V9.3 22:07:38|INFO MAIN: Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 22:07:38|INFO MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 22:07:38|INFO MAIN: Calling Sick-Beard to post-process: Marvels.Agents.of.S.H.I.E.L.D.S01E01.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4.nzb 22:07:38|INFO Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 22:07:38|INFO Attempting to auto-detect SickBeard fork 22:07:38|INFO SickBeard fork auto-detection successful ... 22:07:38|INFO SickBeard fork set to failed-torrent 22:07:38|INFO FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /home/@send/TV/Marvels Agents of S H I E L D 22:07:38|INFO REMOVER: Removing empty folders in: /home/@send/TV/Marvels Agents of S H I E L D 22:07:38|INFO The download succeeded. Sending process request to SickBeard's failed-torrent branch 22:07:38|INFO Waiting for 0.0 seconds to allow SB to process newly extracted files 22:07:38|DEBUG Opening URL: 22:08:20|INFO Processing folder /home/@send/TV/Marvels Agents of S H I E L D 22:08:20|INFO TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR: /home/@send/TV 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing Path: /home/@send/TV 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing Dirs: [u'Marvels Agents of S H I E L D'] 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing Files: [] 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing VideoFiles: [] 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing RarContent: [] 22:08:20|INFO PostProcessing VideoInRar: [] 22:08:20|INFO Processing folder Marvels Agents of S H I E L D 22:08:20|INFO You're trying to post process a video that's already been processed, skipping 22:08:20|INFO Skipping Deleting folder /home/@send/TV/Marvels Agents of S H I E L D because some files was not deleted/processed 22:08:20|INFO MAIN: The autoProcess* script completed successfully.

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Ok.. the formatting is hard to confirm... Perhaps try putting the original and the final .cfg files together in an email to me.

What I do see is that the script ran correctly and used the correct port (8091) for category TV. So I think the data is read correctly, but i am keen to checkout the formatting

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

on its way

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

I just did a test here... the [tv] and [anime] sections should be correct, but they should be at the bottom of the new cfg file... the [SickBeard] section will be fully populated with the default values, but this should not be a problem.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Ahh i see that the sections are at the bottom now. I'll let it run a few cycles and see what happens. It was throwing urlopen fails and that when i noticed the changed config. I'll update you on results tomorrow.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Clinton Hall notifications@github.comwrote:

I just did a test here... the [tv] and [anime] sections should be correct, but they should be at the bottom of the new cfg file... the [SickBeard] section will be fully populated with the default values, but this should not be a problem.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Just looked at your files... this is as designed... I realize that the remaining sections in [SickBeard] after the SBCategory aren't required, but this just keeps it all neat and tidy when comparing to the .sample.

Also, all comments are stripped, leaving a clean settings.conf.

All should work, please let me know how it goes.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Will do. Thanks for looking at it. I'll give you results as soon as I can.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Clinton Hall notifications@github.comwrote:

Just looked at your files... this is as designed... I realize that the remaining sections in [SickBeard] after the SBCategory aren't required, but this just keeps it all neat and tidy when comparing to the .sample.

Also, all comments are stripped, leaving a clean settings.conf.

All should work, please let me know how it goes.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Ok, so I left it running with the migrated config overnight and its changes from Throwing urlopen failed to throwing no such file and a 500 error. scratches head

And now when I look in SAB, its throwing a error I've not seen before. No other changes made.

File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 457 <<<<<<< HEAD ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

00:22:52|INFO ==================== 00:22:52|INFO nzbToMedia V9.3 00:22:52|INFO MAIN: Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 00:22:52|INFO MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 00:22:52|INFO MAIN: Calling Sick-Beard to post-process: Justified.S04E13.DVDRip.X264-REWARD.nzb 00:22:52|INFO Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 00:22:52|INFO Attempting to auto-detect SickBeard fork 00:22:52|INFO SickBeard fork auto-detection successful ... 00:22:52|INFO SickBeard fork set to failed-torrent 00:22:52|INFO FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /home/@send/TV/Justified 00:22:52|INFO REMOVER: Removing empty folders in: /home/@send/TV/Justified 00:22:52|INFO The download succeeded. Sending process request to SickBeard's failed-torrent branch 00:22:52|INFO Waiting for 0.0 seconds to allow SB to process newly extracted files 00:22:52|DEBUG Opening URL: 00:25:50|ERROR Unable to open URL Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcess/", line 212, in processEpisode urlObj = myOpener.openit(url) File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcess/", line 32, in openit raise IOError("Unable to open URL") IOError: Unable to open URL 00:25:50|INFO MAIN: A problem was reported in the autoProcess* script. 00:28:09|INFO ==================== 00:28:09|INFO nzbToMedia V9.3 00:28:09|INFO MAIN: Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 00:28:09|INFO MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 00:28:09|INFO MAIN: Calling Sick-Beard to post-process: Justified.S04E12.DVDRip.X264-REWARD.nzb 00:28:09|INFO Loading config from /opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/autoProcessMedia.cfg 00:28:09|INFO Attempting to auto-detect SickBeard fork 00:28:09|INFO SickBeard fork auto-detection successful ... 00:28:09|INFO SickBeard fork set to failed-torrent 00:28:09|INFO FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /home/@send/TV/Justified 00:28:09|INFO REMOVER: Removing empty folders in: /home/@send/TV/Justified 00:28:09|INFO The download succeeded. Sending process request to SickBeard's failed-torrent branch 00:28:09|INFO Waiting for 0.0 seconds to allow SB to process newly extracted files 00:28:09|DEBUG Opening URL: 00:29:12|INFO <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 00:29:12|INFO ""> 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 500 Internal Server Error 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO

500 Internal Server Error


The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/cherrypy/", line 660, in respond
00:29:12|INFO        response.body = self.handler()
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/cherrypy/lib/", line 193, in call
00:29:12|INFO        self.body = self.oldhandler(_args, _kwargs)
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/cherrypy/", line 25, in call
00:29:12|INFO        return self.callable(_self.args, _self.kwargs)
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/sickbeard/", line 1881, in processEpisode
00:29:12|INFO        result = processTV.processDir(dir, nzbName, process_method=process_method, force=force, is_priority=is_priority, failed=failed, type=type)
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/sickbeard/", line 144, in processDir
00:29:12|INFO        delete_dir(processPath)
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/sickbeard/", line 361, in deletedir
00:29:12|INFO        if not ek.ek(os.listdir, processPath) == []:
00:29:12|INFO      File "/opt/my-tpb-install/Sick-Beard/sickbeard/", line 62, in ek
00:29:12|INFO        result = func([callPeopleStupid(x) if type(x) in (str, unicode) else x for x in args], _kwargs)
00:29:12|INFO    OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/@send/TV/Justified'
00:29:12|INFO Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0rc1 00:29:12|INFO
00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO 00:29:12|INFO MAIN: The autoProcess\
script completed successfully.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

So i continued messing around.

i nuked the install, pulled master, used same config, everything worked. i then git pull origin dev and was getting an error as below. 12:10:47|INFO REMOVER: Removing empty folders in: /home/@send/TV/Justified Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 439, in result = process(sys.argv[1], inputName=sys.argv[2], status=sys.argv[7], inputCategory=sys.argv[5], clientAgent = "sabnzbd", download_id='') File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 310, in process return autoProcessTV().processEpisode(nzbDir, inputName, status, clientAgent, inputCategory) File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/nzbtomedia/autoProcess/", line 144, in processEpisode if fork in SICKBEARD_TORRENT and Torrent_NoLink == 1 and not clientAgent in ['nzbget','sabnzbd']: #use default SickBeard settings here. NameError: global name 'SICKBEARD_TORRENT' is not defined

i re-pulled master to a clean folder and cp the config file. it now appears to be working 100% after 2 test nzbs. Will let you know.

clinton-hall commented 10 years ago

Yeah, sorry about this.... A lot going on with dev right now. Looks like there was a merge conflict...

Give us a few days to fix up a few little issues.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

No worry. Your time is appreciated.

On 4/4/14, Clinton Hall wrote:

Yeah, sorry about this.... A lot going on with dev right now. Looks like there was a merge conflict...

Give us a few days to fix up a few little issues.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

echel0n commented 10 years ago

Ok new dev branch update is out so give it a whirl and let us know if this issue is resolved please

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

Just pulled it, will let you know.

mgaulton commented 10 years ago

btw, just pulled latest dev and got

      Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/", line 342, in if config().migrate(): File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/nzbtomedia/", line 215, in migrate process_section(section, subsection) File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/nzbtomedia/", line 196, in process_section elif subsection in config_old[section].sections: File "/opt/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV/lib/", line 553, in getitem val = dict.getitem(self, key) KeyError: 'NzbDroneSickBeard'