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Upgrading to SABnzbdplus build 170131 gives error: expect one parameter in Spotnet #5

Closed Tukker68 closed 4 months ago

Tukker68 commented 7 years ago

I have been using SpotNet 1.8.1 for some time and configured it in such a way that it automatically adds a new download to my SABnzbplus (version 0.6.5) on my QNAP TS-469 Pro with QTS 4.2.3. I have tried upgrading to SABnzbdplus build 170131, however then I am getting the error: expect one parameter when I click the download button in Spotnet. The API key hasn't changed and I can still see the downloads in SpotNet on my SABnzbplus server. Is there a known solution for this problem?

I also did found on some forums that SpotNet 1.8.1 officially supports SABnzbplus 0.7, so if no solution is available for build 170131, where can I alternatively find the the SABnzbdplus_0.7.2_x86.qpkg