clintval / sample-sheet

Parse Illumina sample sheets with Python
MIT License
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Feature Request: SampleSheet v2 support #104

Open reisingerf opened 3 years ago

reisingerf commented 3 years ago

Hi @clintval,

do you have any plans of supporting the new SampleSheet v2 format?

Seems Illumina has released new tools and along a new version of the Samplesheet. (

Cheers, Florian

clintval commented 3 years ago

Oh cool! Yes! I just started working on this again last week. Thanks for the headsup!

reisingerf commented 3 years ago

No worries! We like your lib, happy to help. I haven't seen official specs, but I'll let you know if I come across any.

clintval commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'm actually working on an even more powerful API for this library and since you're using it a lot, would like to request if you'd like to demo it out once I have a prototype? My goal is to allow for more flexibility, modular validators, and serialization/deserialization ease for moving info in sample sheets to/from LIMS etc.

reisingerf commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think we'd be very interested. In fact we are currently using your lib to do our custom validation of SampleSheets. Seems like a good fit...

j4cko commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to ask if this is still on the agenda. I would be happy to help, since this would be useful for us.

clintval commented 1 year ago

@j4cko I haven't had the time as of late. PRs are welcome!

obigbando commented 7 months ago

@clintval I just created a PR for adding SampleSheetV2 support. Please take a look.

alexiswl commented 7 months ago

Not sure if this project is still maintained.

If it's any consolation, I've built a module called v2-samplesheet-maker.

davmlaw commented 2 months ago

The Illumina blog link above is broken. The current page to list v2 changes is here: