clintval / vartovcf

Convert variants from VarDict/VarDictJava into VCF v4.2 format.
MIT License
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Determine which FILTER flags we care about and implement them #27

Closed clintval closed 3 months ago

clintval commented 3 years ago

Many of them are dynamic or relate to proximal variants. Are they useful?

clintval commented 3 years ago

Here is the entire script:

source ```perl #!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use strict; our ($opt_d, $opt_v, $opt_f, $opt_h, $opt_H, $opt_p, $opt_q, $opt_F, $opt_S, $opt_Q, $opt_o, $opt_N, $opt_E, $opt_C, $opt_m, $opt_I, $opt_c, $opt_P, $opt_a, $opt_t, $opt_r, $opt_O, $opt_X, $opt_k, $opt_V, $opt_M, $opt_x, $opt_A, $opt_T, $opt_u, $opt_b, $opt_G); our $VERSION = "1.8.2"; getopts('hutaHSCEAP:d:v:f:p:q:F:Q:o:N:m:I:c:r:O:X:k:V:M:x:T:b:G:') || Usage(); ($opt_h || $opt_H) && Usage(); my $TotalDepth = $opt_d ? $opt_d : 3; my $VarDepth = $opt_v ? $opt_v : 2; my $Freq = $opt_f ? $opt_f : 0.02; my $Pmean = $opt_p ? $opt_p : 8; my $qmean = $opt_q ? $opt_q : 22.5; # base quality my $Qmean = $opt_Q ? $opt_Q : 10; # mapping quality my $GTFreq = $opt_F ? $opt_F : 0.2; # Genotype frequency my $SN = $opt_o ? $opt_o : 1.5; # Signal to Noise $opt_I = $opt_I ? $opt_I : 12; $opt_m = $opt_m ? $opt_m : 5.25; $opt_c = $opt_c ? $opt_c : 0; $opt_P = defined($opt_P) ? $opt_P : 1; # Whether to filter pstd = 0 variant. $opt_T = defined($opt_T) ? $opt_T : 1; # The minimum split read to support SV my %hash; my $sample; while(<>) { chomp; next if (/R_HOME/); my @a = split(/\t/); $sample = $a[0]; my $chr = $a[2]; push( @{ $hash{ $chr }->{ $a[3] } }, \@a ); } $sample = $opt_N if ( $opt_N ); (my $sample_nowhitespace = $sample) =~ s/\s/_/g; print < ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= 1 indicates MSI"> ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER== $opt_m, thus likely false positive"> ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER= ##FILTER==14)"> ##FILTER= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= ##FORMAT= VCFHEADER print join("\t", "#CHROM", qw(POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT), $sample), "\n"; # Exit if we don't have any variants to write exit(0) unless( %hash ); #my @chrs = map { "chr$_"; } (1..22); #push(@chrs, "chrX", "chrY", "chrM"); #if ( $opt_C ) { # @chrs = (1..22, "X", "Y", "MT"); #} my @chrs = reorder(keys %hash); foreach my $chr (@chrs) { my @pos = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %{ $hash{ $chr } }); my ($pds, $pde) = (0, 0); # previous Deletion variant's start and end my ($pis, $pie) = (0, 0); # previous Insertion variant's start and end my ($pvs, $pve) = (0, 0); # previous SNV variant's start and end my ($pinfo1, $pfilter, $pinfo2) = ("", "", ""); foreach my $p (@pos) { my @tmp = sort { $b->[14] <=> $a->[14] } @{ $hash{ $chr }->{ $p } }; #my @hds = qw(sp ep refallele varallele tcov cov rfc rrc fwd rev genotype freq bias pmean pstd qual qstd mapq qratio hifreq extrafreq shift3 msi msint nm leftseq rightseq); my $ALL = $opt_A ? @tmp + 0 : 1; my %seen = (); for(my $i = 0; $i < $ALL; $i++) { my ($sample, $gene, $chrt, $start, $end, $ref, $alt, $dp, $vd, $rfwd, $rrev, $vfwd, $vrev, $genotype, $af, $bias, $pmean, $pstd, $qual, $qstd, $sbf, $oddratio, $mapq, $sn, $hiaf, $adjaf, $shift3, $msi, $msilen, $nm, $hicnt, $hicov, $lseq, $rseq, $seg, $type, $gamp, $tamp, $ncamp, $ampflag) = @{ $tmp[$i] }; next unless ( $ref ); next if ( $seen{ "$chrt-$start-$end-$ref-$alt" } ); $seen{ "$chrt-$start-$end-$ref-$alt" } = 1; unless ($type) { $type = "REF"; } my $isamp = 1 if ( defined($ampflag) ); my $rd = $rfwd + $rrev; if ( $oddratio eq "Inf" ) { $oddratio = 0; } elsif ( $oddratio < 1 && $oddratio > 0 ) { $oddratio = 1/$oddratio; } my @filters = (); if ($dp < $TotalDepth) { push(@filters, "d$TotalDepth") unless($hicnt * $hiaf >= 0.5); } if ( $hicnt < $VarDepth ) { push(@filters, "v$VarDepth") unless ($hicnt * $hiaf >= 0.5); } push( @filters, "f$Freq") if ($af < $Freq); push( @filters, "p$Pmean") if ($pmean < $Pmean); push( @filters, "pSTD") if ($opt_P && $pstd == 0 && (! $isamp) && $af < 0.35); push( @filters, "q$qmean") if ($qual < $qmean); push( @filters, "Q$Qmean") if ($mapq < $Qmean && $af < 0.8); push( @filters, "SN$SN") if ($sn < $SN); #my $nmadj = length($ref) == length($alt) && length($ref) < 4 ? length($ref) - 1 : 0; # allow more mismatches more MNV, deprecated as it's adjusted in VarDict now. push( @filters, "NM$opt_m") if ($nm > $opt_m); push( @filters, "MSI$opt_I") if ( ($msi > $opt_I && $msilen > 1 && $af < 0.2 && abs(length($ref) - length($alt)) == $msilen) || ($msi >= 13 && $msilen == 1 && $af <= 0.275 && abs(length($ref) - length($alt)) == $msilen) ); push( @filters, "Bias") if ($hiaf < 0.25 && $bias eq "2;1" && $sbf < 0.01 && ($oddratio > 5 || $oddratio == 0) && $end - $start < 100); #|| ($a[9]+$a[10] > 0 && abs($a[9]/($a[9]+$a[10])-$a[11]/($a[11]+$a[12])) > 0.5)); #push( @filters, "InGap" ) if ( $type eq "SNV" && (abs($start-$pds) <= 2 || abs($start-$pde) <= 2)); #push( @filters, "InIns" ) if ( $type eq "SNV" && (abs($start-$pis) <= 2 || abs($start-$pie) <= 2)); #push( @filters, "LongAT") if ($hiaf < 0.5 && (isLongAT($lseq) || isLongAT($rseq))); if ( abs(length($ref)-length($alt)) == $msilen ) { if ($hiaf <= 0.275 && $msi >= 13) { push( @filters, "LongMSI" ); } elsif ( $hiaf <= 0.2 && $msi >= 8 && $msilen > 1 ) { push( @filters, "LongMSI" ); } } if ( $type eq "SNV" && @filters == 0 && $start - $pvs < $opt_c ) { $pfilter = "Cluster${opt_c}bp"; push( @filters, "Cluster${opt_c}bp"); } push( @filters, "AMPBIAS" ) if ( $isamp && (($gamp < $tamp-$ncamp) || $ampflag) ); my $filter = @filters > 0 ? join(";", @filters) : "PASS"; next if ( $opt_S && $filter ne "PASS" ); $bias =~ s/;/:/; my $QUAL = ($vd le 1) ? 0 : int(log($vd)/log(2) * $qual); my $END = $opt_E ? "" : ";END=$end"; if ( $pinfo1 ) { print "$pinfo1\t$pfilter\t$pinfo2\n" unless ($opt_S && $pfilter ne "PASS"); } my ($splitreads, $spanpairs, $cluster) = (0, 0, 0); my $SVINFO = ""; unless( $isamp ) { ($splitreads, $spanpairs, $cluster) = (split(/-/, $tamp)) if ( defined($tamp) && $tamp =~ /-/ ); if ( $alt =~ /= $opt_T ) { #To avoid duplication of previous variant if SV was skipped and pinfo1 still is not empty $pinfo1 = ""; next; } my $svlen = $end - $start; $svlen++ if ( $alt =~ /INV/ ); $SVINFO = ";SVTYPE=$alt;SVLEN=$svlen"; $SVINFO =~ s/<|>//g; } $SVINFO .= ";SPLITREAD=$splitreads;SPANPAIR=$spanpairs" if ( defined($tamp) ); } # VCF specification requires ALT="." and GT=0/0 when no variant is present. my $gt = ""; if ( $ref eq $alt ) { $alt = "."; $gt = "0/0"; } else { $gt = (1-$af < $GTFreq) ? "1/1" : ($af >= 0.5 ? "1/0" : ($af >= $Freq ? "0/1" : "0/0")); } # The AD field is a reserved VCF SAMPLE field of type `R`. # This was patched in # The VCF specification: # Type `R` means we need an entry for every allele, starting with the reference allele. # To support gVCF, and no variant records, we must have an AD tag of only the reference # allele when no variant alleles are present. my $ad = "$rd"; if ( $vd ne "0" ) { $ad = "$rd,$vd"; } my $ampinfo = $isamp ? ";GDAMP=$gamp;TLAMP=$tamp;NCAMP=$ncamp;AMPFLAG=$ampflag" : ""; my $dupinfo = $isamp ? "" : (defined($gamp) ? ";DUPRATE=$gamp" : ""); my $crispr = $isamp ? "" : (defined($ncamp) ? ";CRISPR=$ncamp" : ""); ($pinfo1, $pfilter, $pinfo2) = (join("\t", $chr, $start, ".", $ref, $alt, $QUAL), $filter, join("\t", "SAMPLE=$sample_nowhitespace;TYPE=$type;DP=$dp$END;VD=$vd;AF=$af;BIAS=$bias;REFBIAS=$rfwd:$rrev;VARBIAS=$vfwd:$vrev;PMEAN=$pmean;PSTD=$pstd;QUAL=$qual;QSTD=$qstd;SBF=$sbf;ODDRATIO=$oddratio;MQ=$mapq;SN=$sn;HIAF=$hiaf;ADJAF=$adjaf;SHIFT3=$shift3;MSI=$msi;MSILEN=$msilen;NM=$nm;HICNT=$hicnt;HICOV=$hicov;LSEQ=$lseq;RSEQ=$rseq$ampinfo$dupinfo$crispr$SVINFO", "GT:DP:VD:AD:AF:RD:ALD", "$gt:$dp:$vd:$ad:$af:$rfwd,$rrev:$vfwd,$vrev")); ($pds, $pde) = ($start+1, $end) if ($type eq "Deletion" && $filter eq "PASS" ); ($pis, $pie) = ($start-1, $end+1) if ($type eq "Insertion" && $filter eq "PASS" ); ($pvs, $pve) = ($start, $end) if ( $type eq "SNV" && $filter eq "PASS"); } } if ( $pinfo1 ) { print "$pinfo1\t$pfilter\t$pinfo2\n" unless ($opt_S && $pfilter ne "PASS"); } } sub isLongAT { my $seq = shift; return 1 if ( $seq =~ /T{14,}/ ); return 1 if ( $seq =~ /A{14,}/ ); return 0; } sub reorder { my @chr = @_; my @chrn = (); # numeric chromosomes my @nonchrn = (); # non-numeric chrosomes foreach my $c (@chr) { if ( $c =~ /\d/ && $c !~ /_/) { my $t = $c; $t =~ s/\D//g; push(@chrn, [$t, $c]); } else { next if ( $c eq "X" || $c eq "chrX" || $c eq "Y" || $c eq "chrY" ); next if ( $c eq "MT" || $c eq "chrM" ); push(@nonchrn, $c); } } @chrn = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]; } @chrn; @chr = map { $_->[1]; } @chrn; if ( $hash{ X } ) { push(@chr, 'X' ); } elsif ( $hash{ chrX } ) { push(@chr, 'chrX' ); } if ( $hash{ Y } ) { push(@chr, 'Y' ); } elsif ( $hash{ chrY } ) { push(@chr, 'chrY' ); } if ( $hash{ MT } ) { push(@chr, 'MT' ); } elsif ( $hash{ chrM } ) { push(@chr, 'chrM' ); } push ( @chr, @nonchrn ); return (@chr); } sub print_contigs { my ($path) = @_; if (not defined($path)) {return;} open(my $bed_file, "<", $path) or return; while (my $line = <$bed_file>) { chomp $line; my ($name, $start, $end) = split(/\t/, $line); print "##contig=\n"; } } sub print_reference { my $path = shift; return unless defined($path); print "##reference=$path\n"; } sub Usage { print <6 non-monomer MSI will be considered false positive. For monomers, that number is 13. -m double The maximum mean mismatches allowed. Default: 5.25, or if a variant is supported by reads with more than 5.25 mean mismatches, it'll be considered false positive. Mismatches don't includes indels in the alignment. -p float The minimum mean position of variants in the read. Default: 8. -P 0 or 1 Whether to filter variants with pstd = 0. Default: 1 or yes. Set it to 0 for targeted PCR based sequencing, where pstd is expected. -q float The minimum mean base quality. Default to 22.5 for Illumina sequencing -Q float The minimum mapping quality. Default to 10.0 for Illumina sequencing. Variants with lower quality (<10) will be kept only if af >= 0.8 -d integer The minimum total depth. Default to 3, might consider lower depth if (high quality variant count)*af >= 0.5 -v integer The minimum high quality variant depth. Default to 2. Would consider lower depth (high quality variant count)*af >= 0.5 -f float The minimum allele frequency. Default to 0.02 -o signal/noise The minimum signal to noise, or the ratio of hi/(lo+0.5). Default to 1.5, that is both 2 variant reads are high quality. -F float The minimum allele frequency to consider to be homozygous. Default to 0.2. Thus frequency < 0.2 will be considered homozygous REF, while frequency > 0.2 will be considered homozygous ALT. -N string The sample name to be used directly. -E If set, do not print END tag -T integer The minimum number of split reads for SV. Default: 1. Change to 0 if you want SV called from discordant pairs only. -b Path to the *.bed file which is used to generate contigs in the header -G Path to the *.fasta (*.fa) file which is used to generate reference tag in the header AUTHOR Written by Zhongwu Lai, AstraZeneca, Boston, USA REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to zhongwu\ COPYRIGHT This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. USAGE exit(0); } ```
clintval commented 3 years ago

Some FILTER flags are dead:

clintval commented 3 months ago

Let's not implement any of them. This tool's purpose should be minimized to be a format converter only.