clipperhouse / gen

Type-driven code generation for Go
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clipperhouse/typewriter/template.go Parse should allow to use FuncMap #80

Closed vimdude closed 9 years ago

vimdude commented 9 years ago

I created a typewriter for my needs, however I run into issues with import as the typewriter doesn't allow currently to inject a function to a template like the following:

{{ .Type | ToLower }}.{{.Type}}

So that the generated file looks like something like contact.Contact.

However I was able to copy the ByTagValue function and created the local function:

func CustomByTagValue(ts typewriter.TemplateSlice, t typewriter.Type, v typewriter.TagValue) (*template.Template, error) { .... funcMap := template.FuncMap{ "ToLower": func(t typewriter.Type) string { return strings.ToLower(t.Name) }, } // eagerly return on success return template.New(tmpl.Name).Funcs(funcMap).Parse(tmpl.Text) ....


If you change your clipperhouse/typewriter/template.go Parse method to take FuncMap as argument, it won't be a problem, at least for me. Thanks for the great work.

clipperhouse commented 9 years ago

typewriter’s template.Parse returns a regular stdlib *template.Template, on which you can call Funcs. I think that’s equivalent?

I haven’t used FuncMap personally, am unfamiliar with the behavior, feel free to correct me.

vimdude commented 9 years ago

Yes you're correct but without running the template through the function first, your template.Parse will fail saying "ToLower" is undefined function. So the following code: // Parse parses (converts) a typewriter.Template to a _template.Template func (tmpl *Template) Parse() (_template.Template, error) { return template.New(tmpl.Name).Parse(tmpl.Text) }

Needs to change to: // Parse parses (converts) a typewriter.Template to a _template.Template func (tmpl *Template) Parse() (_template.Template, error) { return template.New(tmpl.Name).Funcs(tmpl.funcMap).Parse(tmpl.Text) } // tmpl.funcMap will need a set function to assign the function map

clipperhouse commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see. That seems reasonable. I mocked it up locally and the tests pass.

Feel free to send in a pull request (with a test) or I’ll do it when I get a chance.

vimdude commented 9 years ago

Please see