clipto-pro / Android

Cross-platform Universal Clipboard & Notes
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The notification panel widget does not update #114

Open BrandonR541 opened 5 months ago

BrandonR541 commented 5 months ago

The notification panel widget is supposed to display the last few copied items and continually update as you copy more things. It does not work at all and does not show anything copied unless you have the app opened and you switch to it. If it's just open in the background and you're using another app it does not update the list of copied items. The only way it works is if I for instance on Google Chrome copy some text and then I switch to the clipto app and then that updates and then the notification panel will update, but it does not work without switching to the main app. I tried looking through all the settings and permissions and everything to make it work but it will not. I love the app but this is the main feature of it for me so it makes it basically pointless, I would very much appreciate your help in getting it to work. Regardless thanks for putting the work in to make it as good as it is already!