clipto-pro / Android

Cross-platform Universal Clipboard & Notes
159 stars 11 forks source link

Feature Request #89

Open jsmayo opened 2 years ago

jsmayo commented 2 years ago

I want to start by saying that your app is awesome and I greatly appreciate all the work that's been put into its dev/maint. With that said, I think I have a suggestion that might improve its user friendliness and functionality.

Suggestion: Have all notes be fleeting/temporary copies, unless saved, up to the sync limit.

I can see where this might cause issues with people relying on all labels being kept, but here are a few things that might address those concerns:

  1. Adding an option to automatically save/keep all notes tagged with a specific label or labels (up to the sync limit).
  2. Adding a 'temp' type of label that allows the app to automatically purge those notes when the sync limit has been reached.
    • This would work for cases where someone wants to retain all notes with this label, but also have the flexibility to weed out those notes if needed for sync or general upkeep. For example, consider a person that wants to keep all receipts, especially those for very large purchases, but remove all minor purchases if storage or sync limit has been reached.
atrashler commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. The underline logic will be unpredictable. It is much cheaper (in terms of time) to extend the sync limit for anyone who can not do it himself by some reasons. If you would like to get extended limit, please send me an email with your account id (