Keyvi - a key value index that powers Cliqz search engine. It is an in-memory FST-based data structure highly optimized for size and lookup performance.
Coverage decreased (-0.5%) to 87.567% when pulling 494169cbd9ab636e55038ec8651b93bd8356b6ad on hendrikmuhs:0_2_cleanup-memory-limit-tests into a54643c190e8325ae918c7bde30d462e1fbb57f1 on cliqz-oss:0_2_cleanup.
Coverage decreased (-0.5%) to 87.567% when pulling d6135ac940fa791c206b406bd3c18c7038758298 on hendrikmuhs:0_2_cleanup-memory-limit-tests into a54643c190e8325ae918c7bde30d462e1fbb57f1 on cliqz-oss:0_2_cleanup.
Coverage decreased (-0.5%) to 87.567% when pulling 9d921224ea1bc91fd3b9478e85ee33b814fd436c on hendrikmuhs:0_2_cleanup-memory-limit-tests into a54643c190e8325ae918c7bde30d462e1fbb57f1 on cliqz-oss:0_2_cleanup.
Coverage decreased (-0.5%) to 87.567% when pulling 9d921224ea1bc91fd3b9478e85ee33b814fd436c on hendrikmuhs:0_2_cleanup-memory-limit-tests into a54643c190e8325ae918c7bde30d462e1fbb57f1 on cliqz-oss:0_2_cleanup.
The only thing I do not understand is the lower coverage. Looks like only tpie_sorter.h has a lower score while the missing coverage is in the deprecated part.
setting the memory limit to 10MB, re-enable cpp tests on OSX