clj-commons / byte-streams

A Rosetta stone for JVM byte representations
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`def-conversion` sometimes breaks when AOT-compiled #68

Open DerGuteMoritz opened 1 year ago

DerGuteMoritz commented 1 year ago


Essentially the same issue as but with tools.deps and instead of Leiningen. The resulting error is the same:

Execution error (ClassCastException) at clj_commons.byte_streams.graph.ConversionGraph/assoc_conversion (graph.clj:117).
class clj_commons.byte_streams.graph.Type cannot be cast to class clj_commons.byte_streams.graph.Type (clj_commons.byte_streams.graph.Type is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; clj_commons.byte_streams.graph.Type is in unnamed module of loader clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader @650a1aff)

It's very likely caused by, i.e. when first AOT-compiling a namespace which depends on another namespace which contains a def-conversion call, and then AOT-compiling that namespace itself.

KingMob commented 1 year ago

Update for posterity: it's probably not the same as CLJ-1741, even if it's related. 1741 is a duplicate of of CLJ-1650, but that was fixed in Clojure 1.8, so the timing seems wrong.

KingMob commented 1 year ago

Re-opening, because the problem isn't really fixed, we just removed the type hints.

But it's interfering with Eastwood, CircleCI, and automatic deploys.

KingMob commented 1 year ago

Update. Now it's flat-out breaking the new HTTP/2 code. What's going on?

DerGuteMoritz commented 1 year ago

Ouch! Do you have a repro case to look at somewhere?

KingMob commented 1 year ago

No, I think I was confused. I don't think it's AOT-related now.

I think the issue is loading byte-streams in Netty threads that use their own classloader. It gives me a ClassCastException even when Netty finds the class because class identity is tied to classloader.

It just looked a bit like the AOT errors we've gotten in the past.

Right now I'm biting the bullet and trying to decide how best to insert the clj loader into Netty threads. It's become more of an issue with the way ALPN and http2 multiplexing work; we have to do more work in Netty than we did for http1, and that runs a greater risk of needing the clj loader.